Chapter 8 - Tutors & Questions {Part 1}

Start from the beginning

I also found out that he had a little seven year old sister named Sapphire who had the devil child at home and angel outside kind of personality.

"-and then there's my other sister, who I believe is in your year, Kayliana"

I froze, my mouth agape. At that moment so many things were running through my head, confusion, shock, horror. I was about to let into my house the brother of the enemy! What if he was just like her and when we got inside the evil might push out of his innocent exterior and attack me. Am I being paranoid? Well I have no reason to not be. How could I have not known?

Now it's either I,

a) Play it safe, don't let him come anywhere near me, like Talia suggested but fail math

b) Take a risk, this guy may not be exactly like his sister, possibly pass math but go against Talia's ( a girl I barely know ) advice

"By the looks of it I guess you do know her, I know she can seem quite-"

"Barbaric, rude, cocky, arrogant, bobble-headed, evil-"

"Okay, okay I guessing you guys aren't on good terms but once you get to know her you'll learn to like her." He attempted to reassure me

"Ha i've known her for quite a while and she seems to become less and less likeable" I assured "No offence" I added, she was still his sister

"Look I'm not asking you to like her, I'm just hoping you give me a chance, we might be siblings but we aren't the same"

It was then that I realized that I couldn't judge Aaron on who he is related to. It's not his fault that he had to be the brother of Cruella de Vil. I suddenly felt more comfortable to take decision b.

"Yeah sorry, I was over reacting" I said opening up the car door at the same time as Aaron before leading her to the porch and opening up my door "Come on in"

"Yes and then a number to the power of a half is the same as..."

"The square root?" I answered un-sure

"Yeah- So that equals?" he asked starting the invisible drum roll in my head

"Eight over 92 to the power of minus a quarter" I answered leaping from sofa with the joy of my correctly answered question

"By Joe I think she's got it" Aaron said over enthusiastically

We'd been studying for the last hour and finally made it to the last question. After some makes-me-wanna-rip-my-hair-out questions I'd finished my homework and with the help of Aaron for the first time I might bring home a C for math, maybe even a B.

Aaron looked to his watch and got up from the sofa "It's getting kinda late and I've got to make it home early today, stupid family game night"

I laughed "Family game night, really? I didn't know people actually did that in real life"

Aaron picked up his jersey "Yeah I do not think that it is a very usual tradition but my parents are very old fashioned" he said walking to the door "and crazy"

"Isn't that the best kind?" I said, getting up from the sofa and walking to the door with him

"Yeah I guess they're kinda cool" Aaron admitted, opening the door "Thanks for having me, I had a good time"

"Yeah me t-" I paused at the sight of Valentino at the door, his hand was up like he was about to knock which I'm guessing he was. He looked at Aaron then to me then back at him then back to me then to him then back to me one final time

"Umm what's this douche doing here?" He asked suspiciously, looking him up and down with his face slightly scrunched up

"Eh em, the 'douche' has a name, but I've got no time to fight" A smile spread across Aaron face whilst he turned his head to me "Hope we can...catch up again sometime" he said winking

Weird question, he was my tutor of course we were gonna study again "Well obviously, on Wednesdays right?" I asked

"Yeah definitely, I'll see you later yeah?" he said walking down my porch stairs approaching his car, and getting in before pulling out of the parking space and driving off.

"What was he doing here?" I ripped my gaze off of the car at the sound of Valentino's voice

"Err, just studying" I answered

"Anything else?" he asked tightening his fist slightly and I swear I saw his jaw clench a little

"No, nothing else, just studying math" I said slowly

"You sure?"

What was with all the questioning plus why does he even care what I was doing with Aaron? He almost seemed jealo-

A smile spread across my face

"Are you, dare I say, jealous?" I question now smirking from ear to ear

All evident anger and what I suspected was jealously washed away and he looked into my eyes for a moment. Maybe he was gonna admit it, maybe he really was jealous. He took one confident step towards me startling me just a little. Then he took another step forcing me take a step back, then another and another until I felt my back hit something. I had been backed up into a wall. He took one final step towards me lowering him head to me and closing the remaining space between us. The close proximity made my knees go a little weak and I was definitely too weak to move and for some strange reason I didn't want to either. Soon him and I were face to face and he stared deeply into my eyes, making me feel weird and something I haven't felt in a while in the pit of my stomach. I swear any closer and he would be...

"You wish" He whispered a smirk forming on his lips, he backed away and walked into the house, leaving me to catch my breath. My knees made way and my back slid down the wall. I end up sitting down on the porch trying to compose myself, breathing deeply and possibly even sweating a little

What. The heck. Was that?


:O Hmm? What is wrong with Cassie I wonder? Wink, wink

Thanks for reading :D

I decided to split this chapter in two because I was taking so long to write the whole thing so sorry it's so short, Next part should be out soon

Ciao my Bella's

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