The Sending Off Ceremony

Start from the beginning

Rose peeked around the curtain where she, Zachary, and Oliver were hidden from sight. She scanned the crowd until she finally saw them, Nicole and David. She smiled knowing that she still at least had one friend, even if they were going separate ways.

"Students please rise." Everyone in the auditorium stood. The swish of fabric and creaking of seats filled the auditorium momentarily. "The principle will call each student's name and they will come onstage." Mrs. Magistra then handed off the microphone to the principle. She turned slightly to look back at the curtain.

Rose's heart beat wildly in her chest. This was it! She had said her goodbyes to Alex and her mom that morning before lugging her two heavy suitcases all the way to the school. Rose suddenly felt queasy, the butterflies in her stomach flying on steroids. She looked back at Oliver and Zachary whose faces mirrored her apprehensive excitement. "Here we go" she whispered. Oliver gave Zachary a pat of encouragement on the back.

"Students, please welcome, Zachary Ace!" Zachary took a deep breath and strode out onstage. He was greeted by a ruckus from the thrilled students. As rehearsed, the lights went dark and the auditorium hushed.

"Come on Zachary." Oliver hissed after a few breathless moments.

"He'll get it." Rose reassured. They could hear him whispering the spell. Illuminate!

Suddenly a light appeared on the end of Zachary's finger, bright and yellow. It created almost a spotlight around him and the principle. The crowd gasped and ahhhed and cheered. The lights came back on and Zachary bowed. Rose could see him breathing heavily, pumped with adrenaline and nerves.

"Students, please welcome our next Mitoam student, Rose Benoit!" Rose thought heart skipped nearly ten beats when her name was called. She ran out onstage and stood next to Zachary, beaming at the gathering. Rose thought for a moment that she could hear Nicole's voice shouting her name above the tumult of cheers.

"Rose is going to perform her trick after our final student. Students please welcome our third send off, Oliver Talib!"

Oliver came out onstage, just as breathless and excited as Rose and Zachary next to him. The lights went dark again and Rose could just barely see Oliver pull out the wand he had hidden behind his back. It belonged to Mrs. Magistra but they agreed to let him use it for the ceremony. They heard him whisper "Strikkus Verde."

A stream of florescent green light exploded from the wand, curling and floating throughout the room as if it were floating in water. The magic was met with enthusiastic applause. Young students in the balcony were stretching in their seats to touch it. Oliver jerked the wand and the green light disappeared. Quickly he handed the wand to Mrs. Magistra who stuffed it in her pocket before the lights came back on.

"Students, please be seated." The principle said. "You are about to see something utterly amazing! As you know, for most magicians it takes great skill and talent to cast spells silently. Our Head of School, Mrs. Magistra has only recently managed to do so. But students, this year we have a Silens in our midst!"

The crowed oohed and cheered and whispers sprung up everywhere. A few shouted "I knew it!"

Rose's face turned redder than a tomato.

The principle continued "I am going to give Rose the microphone and you won't hear a sound from her lips as she casts her spell!" He handed the microphone to Rose who took it in trembling hands. She gulped. Mrs. Magistra placed a small cardboard box at her feet.

"You got this Rose!" Oliver said quietly.

The auditorium was once again silent, everyone holding their breaths. Including Rose. Then she let it out and in her head shouted Volitatus! The box shivered but didn't rise. I know I can do this! Rose told herself. She tried again with more concentration Volitatus! The box jumped into the air and hovered a few feet above her head. Her silent trick drew the most enthusiastic cheering from the students yet. Rose grinned. She did it!

"Westmist, here are your send offs!" The principle said when he retrieved the microphone. Rose, Zachary, and Oliver took a bow. "But we have one more!" Now everyone gasped in astonishment. "You have a new Head of School because Mrs. Magistra is also going to Mitoam to be a teacher!"

Now it was Rose, Zachary, and Oliver's turn to be surprised. As all hopes of conversation were drowned out by the cheering, the three students stared wonderingly at Mrs. Magistra.

Mrs. Magistra took her spot in line next to the three of them. She shot sparks from her hands and confetti burst from the ceiling. Then played the Mitoam theme song, a familiar tune to any young dreamer. Rose almost felt giddy with nerves and excitement. Mrs. Magistra told a story from her time at Mitoam and the auditorium listened with rapt attention. Near the end of the ceremony, a large banner was brought out with Mitoam School of Magic printed in purple on it.

"It is time for the signing!" The principle announced. Rose, Zachary, and Oliver were each handed a black pen and led to the letter O. As they signed their full names, the principle informed the crowd "Each year we have every send off sign their names on this banner. The year is then written on next to every name." Mrs. Magistra took the pen from Rose and signed her name. "Students, Mrs. Magistra is our 50th send off!" The principle shouted. More confetti and sparks.

Rose marveled at her name written in black ink next to other names that were nearly decades old and slightly faded. This banner was hung each year inside the front of the school for everyone to see. Now her name was among the fifty!

"Their name placks will be added to the Hall of Mitoam Students as they leave the school. Now students," the principle turned to face Rose, Zachary, and Oliver "are you ready to begin your journey?"

They knew what was coming next, but they hadn't rehearsed. Each student and Mrs. Magistra pulled out of their pockets a pea-shaped faba voyager, a travel bean. The school, Westmist, would spend the rest of the day celebrating their send-off. The new Head of School, Felix Cabrera, would be instated. The group heading to Mitoam would spend the day traveling and arrive in time for the dinner Welcoming Ceremony that night at Mitoam. They had been reassured the travel beans wouldn't be their only mode of transportation.

"Westmist, say goodbye to your fellow classmates, friends, and teacher: Zachary Ace, Rose Benoit, Oliver Talib, and Mrs. Magistra!"

Everyone shouted goodbye and waved as the four tossed their faba voyager to the ground. White mist exploded in front of each of them and they saw, as if through a waterfall, a sleek silver limo parked in front of the school. Rose took a deep breath. She didn't think she could get anymore excited, but she was about to travel by magic!

"FIVE!" The school started their countdown.

"FOUR!" Rose peeked around the mist for one last look at Nicole, David, and Alex.

"THREE!" She, Zachary, and Oliver glanced nervously at each other.

"TWO!" Mrs. Magistra looked over and winked at them.

"ONE!" Rose plunged through the mist in front of her.

*Author's Note: I apologize for the short chapter but I thought it was necessary. Let me know what you think in the comments! I hope you enjoyed it and more is coming soon!*

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