~ Author's Note ~

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Helllllooo it's been so long!!!! I can't believe this story is so popular now...I never would have imagined my story could have over 8k reads. AND TO THINK THE NUMBER KEEPS GROWING! I want to thank all my loyal readers for your support, reads, comments, votes. For an aspiring writer like myself, this kind of feedback is incredible and I want you all to know that this makes me very, very happy and that I hope to write on and keep this story going in the future (which might be a bit challenging what with my awesome procrastinating skills.

Also, I remember, when my book wasn't nearly as popular as now, I'd always send a little message to those who'd vote/comment/follow me, and I regret not being able to do this anymore, as I often lose track of all the people and don't visit this page as much as I used to (hopefully THIS will change, since I'll have more time now). Once again, I thank you all for your patience and brilliance:)

~ Amethyst Lee

DollmakerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя