A Tragic Back story

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So my original Cat OC was this

But I guess I changed her look so anyone plz don't be mad

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

But I guess I changed her look so anyone plz don't be mad. This chap will contain Cats tragic back story.

Cats POV
So I was done with what Goldie wanted and he had rewarded me by fixing my voice box. Scraps and I had walked in the room with Foxy and it was way dark in there. "Oh hey guys your back" foxy says with excitement in his voice. "So now what do we do" Scraps said sounding bored. "Let's tell our back story's you k ow before we met each other." Foxy said ready to go. (Well we know his so skip this )
*fast forward noise*
"Scraps its your turn" foxy said with bordism in his voice. "Well I don't want to share it cause I am not one to share my life with others." Scraps said all calm. "My turn" I get ready for them to hate me from my story.

Cat POV (flashback)
I was just built I open my eyes to think I would get the best of something but only open them to get the worse. POW I get punched in the face. "I am so sorry Cat I just wanted to make sure you were real and not fake." A female voice calls out.

Part 2 in next chap and FYI this story will get tragic in the story

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