-Why won't you pick up?

-Okay, look, I just didn't expect the kiss.

-I'm sorry.

-Jordan please?


-Jordan, look, that kiss DID mean something to me but I was too scared to say anything. Alright? just... just call me when you get this...

I stared at the last message....


Did he mean that?

I sure hope so, and decided to text him back. 

-Hey CC, it's fine... I uhh... it meant something to me too... and uhh.... yeah...

I got a reply straight away.

 -Can we meet up tomorrow?

-sure, where?

-My place. 2pm.

-alright. see you then.

I decided not to reply to anyone else, but quickly sent Scream a text 'hey, I'm fine. just tired. i'll talk to you tomorrow'

I didn't get a reply, so I assumed she went to bed.

Scream's POV

I felt broken. I had left the diner after paying and plugged in my iPod. I kept going and a certain song started playing once I reached my apartment building... My old, run down aparetment building...

See, money kind of became a mess for me. I work two jobs on weekdays, and I don't need to go in during weekends. Mornings I work at the ice cream place where Jordan and I had met Ash and CC, and then at night I work at a bar. But I'm just a bartender, the owner, Chuck, became a friend of mine, and offered the job.


He somehow figured out that I needed the money, I guess.

This world will never be,

what I expected...

The guys who lurked around the alleys were at their usual place.

And if I don't belong...

Who would have guessed it?

The lady who always sits at the counter glared at me as I walked in. I tried a friendly smile, but she just growled - yes, growled- at me.

I will not leave alone, everything that I own,

To make you feel like it's not too late... it's never too late...

I sighed and walked up the stairs.

Even if I say, it'll be alright,

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life!

I just felt like death right now. I didn't wanna talk to anyone, didn't wanna move. Didn't wanna feel... I was just... numb...

Now and again we try to just stay alive.

Maybe we'll turn it all around,

'cause it's not too late.

It's never too late.

Maybe it's too late for me, though. I don't think I can fix my life like this. It's a mess of emotions.

No one will ever see this side reflected. And if there's something wrong, who would've guessed it...?

I got a call on my phone. When I checked it, I saw it was Ash.

And I have left alone everything that I own.

Should I pick up?

To make you feel like it's not too late.

I don't know whether or not to pick up... Maybe he's tired of me...

It's never too late

I rejected the call.

Even if I say "It'll be all right,"

still I hear you say you want to end your life.

I had one more flight of stairs before reaching my apartment. The woman who lived under my apartment came out and glared at me. Everyone here hated me.

Now and again we try to just stay alive.

Maybe we'll turn it all around,

Except my neighbour - a girl around my age; nice, sweet, and kind.

'cause it's not too late.

It's never too late...

I unlocked the door and entered my run down apartment... Home sweet home, I guess...

The world we knew won't come back.

The time we've lost can't get back.

The life we had won't be ours again.

I sat on the couch, exhausted, and stared at the ceiling... The fan was just... rotating... around and around... I found it interesting for some reason.

This world will never be what I expected.

And if I don't belong...

I felt like I was mental. In an asylum. Trapped.

Even if I say "It'll be all right,"

Still I hear you say you want to end your life.

Now and again we try to just stay alive.

I didn't want to live.

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'cause it's not too late.

It's never too late.

Too late for me...

I heard them taping up the notes outside. I know what's gonna happen next. They're gonna slide it under my door -sshhh- like that... the notes all say the same things. "We hate you", "you're a bitch", "emo freak.", "You're lucky we let you stay here, slut!" I don't even bother looking anymore, it goes straight to the trash. 

Maybe we'll turn it all around

'cause it's not too late.

I didn't go get it. Instead I brought my knees up to my chest and cried...

It's never too late.(It's never too late!)

I don't want this life...

It's not too late.

This isn't even a life...

It's never too late....

Someone save me...


I loved writing this chapter.. although I gotta admit, it's kinda depressing...

Oh well...

I think this is one of my longest updates on this story...

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It's My Life (Black Veil Brides)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz