31 1 0

The door slammed open, men with machine-guns ran in. I jumped out of the window just as they reached the living-room where Teresa stood. I saw Minho and Newt running up the sand dune, and I took a big leap towards them. The front of a gun appeared from behind the corner of the shack. I threw myself against the wall and took a deep breath trying to make myself a part of the wall. Smoothly, or more like a crab, I moved to the gun and whipped it up in the air just as a bullet flew out of it. Then I quickly threw my hand to where I supposed his face would be, I missed and a heavy force to my stomach made me lose my breath. I gasped and were just about to punch back when another hit spun me around, I tripped and fell. The burning sand infiltrated my eyes and mouth. I coughed and blinked fast. Then I felt an explosion spreading from my hip and I rolled over facing my attacker. Adrenaline rushed through my blood. I kicked with all the strength I could gather, and made the man stumble a few steps. I kicked again, this time I aimed for his ankle and heard a loud thud as he fell and hit the ground.

Minho kicked someone of his chest and Newt held a gun pointed towards a guard. We took advantage of our little victories and ran. As we reached the top we saw quads driving to us, and when we turned around guns were pointing at our heads. Minho and I exchanged a look, he seemed as determined and cocky as always. But what the hell are we gonna do now? Minho raised his hands slowly over his head, and judging from the look on Newt's face it surprised him as much as it surprised me, but confident that he had a plan I followed his lead. The guards moved toward us and some of the men descended from their quads. They decreased the distance and suddenly Minho jumped and threw in a few punches knocking down a guard. I saw Newt in my sideview as blurred colors throwing himself at a guard. I joined in on their rebellious attack and buckled the man in front. And once again, we made a run for it. Unfortunately we couldn't outrace the remaining quads and a hard punch in the back of my head knocked me out.

I woke up in a white room with a single bed, a desk, a chair and a small bathroom. I threw my legs out of the bed and stood up, but a strong sense of deja vu nearly knocked me down again. The room was so familiar, I can't remember, but I'm sure that I've been here before. Well, a few seconds in this sad room is more than enough. I walked over to the door and slowly turned the doorknob, and shockingly it swung open into the room. I walked into the hallway and another wave of deja vu rushed through me. Then I saw a door with the label 31K and a memory flashed across my mind. A little brown haired girl and me walking through the door and these hallways. Desperate to remember more I leaped through the door where a familiar face looked back at me.

"Welcome, Thomas." Her voice was harsh, but still kind. The middle aged woman had a tired and somehow proud look.
"I know you don't remember, yet. But we know eachother well. I'm doctor Paige."
Chills went down my spine, and I could feel she wasn't a friend. 
"You probably have a lot of questions, but we need to run a few tests before we can continue, or maybe start over."
What? Continue, start over. This can't be, she wants to continue tormenting children and teenagers!? I was literally speechless, and just stared at her for a long time.

The next few days consisted of medical and theoretical tests. Which all brought back dizzying feelings of deja vu. And although I asked a lot of questions about the Maze, the trials and all the weird stuff Teresa had talked about, no one would answer. All I got was 'don't worry, it's all for your own good or you'll find out soon enough.'

Every day new memories flashed before me, I figured I actually had known Teresa since she appeared in a lot of my memories. But nothing made sense. Sometimes I got blurred flashes of my friends, and it reminded me of lab rats. These memories weren't clear enough to actually mean something, but I tried my best to make sense of them. Although, they did give me an unsettling feeling that this is all wrong. Dr Paige had tried to convince me that WICKED is good, that I actually want this. We've been trapped in a maze surrounded my monsters, half of my friends are murdered and I have no idea what happened to the rest of them. I may not have all of my memories, but I'm certain that on no level do I want this. Hence all she accomplished was to strengthen my will to leave. And today, I made a run a for it. I knocked down the security woman who were escorting me to another test. I ran around a corner and looked over my shoulder to make sure she weren't following. I ran straight into someone and my heart skipped a beat, but I calmed when I heard his voice.

"Whoa, slim it there, shank."
I stepped back, released a relieved breath and grinned. "Man, it's good to see you."
Minho smiled confident. "These last few days..." I knew exactly what he meant.
"They've been crazy." Suddenly we remembered our escape and exchanged an equally worried look before we began jogging down the hallway.
"We need to find Newt, and get the hell out of here."
I turned when I realized Minho weren't on my heals anymore and saw him leaned against a door. He put his finger across his lips before waving me over.
"Listen." He whispered as he pressed his ear on the door. I did the same and felt the cold wood along my side. Muffled voices was all I heard. Curiosity welted inside me, I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door. My hand fell down along my side and my eyes widened. In front of me was a cafeteria full of young boys. Minho slammed the door shut, as if it would erase the horrific fact we just witnessed. Then we heard footsteps approaching from behind the corner and we ran. Minho quickly turned in to another hall and dragged me with him. I held my breath as I saw someone run past us and continue out of sight.
"Holy crap." I gasped the words, almost out of breath. "They're gonna continue this madness ain't they? New innocent boys will go through the exact horrors we've experienced."
Minho bit his lip and nodded carefully. I closed my eyes, hoping it'd shut out the thoughts that came to mind.
I looked at Minho again. "We have to help them!"
He shook his head. A fierce and angry look spread across his face. "We have to stop them, Thomas. We have to shut this down." I couldn't agree more.
"But first, let's find Newt."
Hall after hall, door after door we wandered through the facilities of WICKED, what a suiting name I thought to myself. Every now and then we had to hide from the security folks. After a while we ran into and eavesdropped on a few medics, we felt as if we were finally closing up on him. I think it was the seventh door after shadowing the medics that we found him.

The sight shook me to my bones. The sound of a beeping machine filled the room. His arms were covered with intravenous. Black veins appeared and disappeared across his body. It felt as if the oxygen had been knocked out of me. We ran to the bed just as Newt's body twisted and his face mirrored the pain he must've felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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