My Fake Relationship (Chapter Sixteen)

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing? And why are we in the boy's changing rooms?" I asked him.

"You have no idea how sexy you looked just then," he told me, bring me into the shower section, "and no one will come in here for at least two hours, it's the safest place for us... to be us."

Ringo spun me around so I faced him and within seconds his hands were on my cheeks and then his lips on mine. Whenever I kissed Ringo, I got this feeling, it was so hard to describe, but I felt so much. He always made me very nervous too and I was never sure if it was good or bad thing, but at that moment it was good.

Ringo and I started walking backwards until I hit the wall. I gripped my hands to his shirt to pull him closer. Wait, what the hell was I doing? I'm making out with my brother's best friend, the hottest guy I know, who doesn't date, in the boy's changing room? What I have I become? I'm definitely no longer innocent little Miss Nina. Though, the longer I kissed the Ringo the more I forgot where I was, and more that I was just kissing him.

"Nina," Ringo breathed hard, breaking away from me.

"Yes," I said, completely breathless.

"You are amazing," he whispered.

I smiled. "So are you."

"No, I mean... I didn't know I could feel like this, about one girl," he muttered.

"You've never dated before," I reminded him.

"Doesn't mean I've never liked a girl or thought about it before," he said.

"You've never experienced it though," I pointed out.

"Well, then I never want to experience it with anyone else," he smiled.

He kissed me again and his hands slid onto my waist and then to the top of my hips holding me there. I could've stayed with him like that forever. Just him and me, into total heaven... but all good things must come to an end.

"Are you sure you left it in here?"

Crap. Ringo and I broke apart immedaitely and then stood frozen. Someone had just entered the room....and I think I recognised the voice to be Logan, one of the guys on the football team, a close friend of Harry's.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Oh, swear words! That voice was Harry.

"Ringo," I whispered.

He didn't say anything; he just pulled me aside into a shower stall and crouched down. He put his finger on my lip.

"How the hell do you lose a shoe? I mean, you would've realised while walking to your car that you had one shoe," Logan said.

"Well, I walked to the car with no shoes, okay?" Harry asked slightly annoyed. God, Harry, always the smart one.

I saw something in the corner of my eye that made me want to scream. I removed Ringo's finger from my lips and then pointed into the corner of the shower stall.

"Oh, crap," he muttered.

Harry's stupid shoe was in the corner of the shower stall where we were. Oh, crap, what are we going to do? He's going to see us.

"Okay, stay here. I'm going to take the shoe to him, get him out of here and then you can sneak out," he whispered.

"What if he asks why you're in here?" I whispered to him.

He looked panicked while he thought about it, and I thought about it too. I looked at Ringo trying to think hard when I got an idea. I reached for Ringo's wrist and pulled off his watch.

My Fake Relationship with My Best Friend **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now