Epilogue (Teaser) - HWM

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Please read the Authors Note (A/n) at the end of this chapter.

I stood still by the pier. The evening sky was a beautiful shade of orange mixed with reddish yellow hues. I was mesmerised by the sky, until I noticed someone approaching.

I could never forget the angular visage responsible for the endless amount of sleepless nights I have had in the past two years.

It was him.

I still could not wrap my head around the fact that it had been five years since I had last seen him. It had to be awkward. Hope it was still worth it.

I was so angry and upset feeling conflicting emotions all at once. It became severely hard for me to imagine what it felt like to be in close proximity with him again.

The overwhelming sensation was extremely absurd and foreign to me. Only he was capable of making me feel any emotion since, I last contacted him.

My new partner and I have been together for three months. He is genuinely a nice person who absolutely adores me.

However, this man standing in front of me with his piercing light eyes gazing into mine has made me feel so many things all at once. Adoration, longing, pain, grief, betrayal, hurt and... passion?

His eyes alone have breathed a new found purpose in me. His light, soulless, dead, cold eyes.

His tall masculine physique was well-maintained and his chiselled face had a scruffy bearded look. The alignment of his strong jaw and attractive features never failed to amaze me. He was truly a magnificent, dark, handsome, cold, angelic, depraved being.

It felt like the lightness of his eyes had managed to capture a glimpse of my soul. His intense electric stare comforted my aura and every fibre of my being.

I thought about how I loved him, but he betrayed me. He left in peace, but left me in pieces. The strong burning sensation that I felt before had disappeared and now I was left feeling numb again.

I wonder what he thinks about me? Has he read the articles? Did he know about my life? Does he store every single trace of existential value like I do of him?

It did not matter anymore as I stopped caring a long time ago.

So I did the inevitable and plausibly the most foolish thing from my side. Without uttering a single word I...

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First and foremost, thank you very much for reading my book !! This book is going to be one hell of a journey for my readers! :) i want to let y'all know a few things beforehand and keep you updated on my book.

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