The drama teacher (Ziam)

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No one's P.O.V.

"I here we have a new drama teacher!" Harry exclaimed.

"Since when do we have drama here?" Zayn questioned.

Harry just shrugged. Break was over and now it's back to school. Apparently there was a new drama teacher they never heard of, but Zayn wasn't complaining. Drama sounded like a good class.

" Well what do you have first?" Zayn asked Harry

" I have double maths with Mrs.Exx and then Music with Mr.Reed. That's funny I don't have drama. Awww. Well what about you?"

" I have double maths too. ugh. Then I have drama with Mr.Payne."

" That doesn't sound to bad except the double maths..."

Zayn opened his locker and stuffed bis books inside. "Come on, we have to get to Homeroom."

A/N: So sorry this is short it's more like an experiment chapter. So if I get at least a vote and a comment I'll continue and whoever comments will be mentioned in the next chapter.

Drama Teacher Ziam AU: Underage: Student/TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now