'Emma help me' I plead, she had been silent the whole car trip and I wanted to know her opinion.
"They're going to mate with us, I'm so excited, do you think it will happen soon"? Emma says and I realise for the first time that I'm all alone.

"What about their behaviour, according to Jake and Connor they think that we're inferior them'
There's a long pause and I know that Emma doesn't like this either

"It's not them, it's their wolves, they're both really territorial and possessive. They strongly believe  we're inferior to them. It's what's driving Jake and Connor to think this way"

Emma would never reveal this to me but I know that this is upsetting her

'Can we do anything' I ask in hope but deep down I know my efforts will be futile if I attempt to do anything

"I'm trying to reason with their wolves but they're ganging up on me. Don't do anything to agitate them in your human. I've got to go, their wolves are starting to get angry.

'Emma wait' but I don't get any response. She needed to be careful, these were two powerful Alpha's that she was arguing with.

I discretely flick my eyes towards Jake and Connor, they're both distracted talking to their wolves. I continue watching, when their eyes begin to flicker, changing between their human and wolf. Shit, what was Emma saying to them.

Menacing growls cut me from my thoughts and I look up to face two furious wolves alone.

"You will never leave us or you will be punished understood"  i slowly look up to see Jake's whole face contorted with anger. Taking a gulp, i suddenly wish that i could sit up the front with the beta, or even better pretend that this was just a really horrible dream

"Yes Jake" I reply, looking into his pitch black eyes

"My name's not Jake, it's Ryder"

I bow my head, "I apologise Ryder"

I sense him nodding his head in satisfaction with the response. I'm about to take a deep breath of relief when Ryder unlocks my seatbelt and forcibly brings me onto his lap; his arms strangling my chest, preventing me from jumping out of the car.

"You still stink of that other wolf" he remarks, disgust is evident in his voice as he pushes me against his chest, placing his scent on me.

"You're ours Flicker, the moon goddess granted us a mate so that she may serve us, don't ever try to leave. With the disrespect your wolf gave us I feel like you should be punished but because you're our mate we'll give you another chance" Connor tells me, I glance up and by the pitch blackness of his eyes, i realise that his wolf was still control

"Yes... um I'm sorry I don't know your name" my head is bowed in a position of respect but I can't help the goosebumps that are creeping up my arm. A hand cups my chin so that I'm eye level with Connor, his eyes have returned to the emerald green colour.

"My wolf's name is Zach" he says softly trying to soothe me, he moves closer to me, taking up my original seat. I sigh inwardly, i guess i would be sitting on Jake's lap for the rest of the car trip.

"Please don't be afraid of us" Connors adds, his voice soft and melodic.

"But our wolves are very possessive and very powerful, please for your sake listen to them. Jake cuts in. "We do try to control them but if we don't listen to them they become really angry and then we lose control altogether.

I listen attentively as i discover this newfound information, replying when necessary with 'yes Jake' or with 'yes Connor'.

As i listen to them, i begin to notice that Jakes voice is an octave lower that Connor's, he also seems to be more stern and dominant than his brother.

Connor cups my hands, sending sparks flying down my arms, "Please Flicker it is essential that you respect us, any disrespect and we or our wolves will have to punish you, understand"  I turn to look at him, providing Connor with my full attention.

The two Alpha's fall silent, giving me time to think. Even with this revelation I still didn't understand how I'm going to survive living with them or being Luna.

The human side of them seem okay but I'm unsure about their wolves, and because they're Alpha's, their wolves will always have a lot of control over them.

The car stops suddenly and I watch as the beta steps out of the car,

"What's happening" I ask, quite confused but the Alpha's don't respond and I'm starting to worry, the beta opens the trunk door and I hear him grab something before closing the trunk. He opens the left door and I see the object, it's a syringe, he hands it to Connor glancing at me sympathetically before shutting the door and returning to the front.

"What are you doing" I whisper my voice laced with fear and panic.

"After your wolf threatened to leave us, we've had to take further precaution to make sure you never leave. This unfortunately means that we need to drug you, just so you don't know the location of the pack and have no knowledge on how to leave and enter.

I try to squirm out of Jake's arms but they're as strong as steel bars, he doesn't budge at all. Panic begins to rise inside me as Connor advances forward, I hated needles it was the one thing I truly detested and I needed to know how to get out of the pack

"Please" I beg as I desperately try to squirm out of Jake's grasp, "I won't leave, just please don't use the needle on me", tears are streaming wildly down my face, falling onto Jake's arm, I've never know where this phobia of needles came from and it probably makes me look weak but in this moment I really didn't care.

Connor halts in attempts with trying to inject the serum, "Do you promise" Connor asks.
I take a moment  to mull this over in my head, in the werewolf world promises were sacred, to break one was greatly frowned upon and in my situation would probably result with me being punished by the two Alpha's.

Connor takes my reluctance as a no, while Jake starts to tighten his grip on my shoulder, but I hadn't given up.
Thankfully, the Beta had started driving again, leaving me with the perfect opportunity,  just as the needle is about to pierce my skin, I scream

"Look there's a rogue"

The car swerves as the Beta tries to search for the rogue. Everyone is focussed on looking for the rogue that they've forgotten about me momentarily and as a result Jake's grip on my arm has loosened considerably.

Using my only opportunity, I unlock the door and jump out instantly readying myself for the land but before i even reach the ground strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me back to the car.

"Shit" i mutter

If I thought the alpha's were angry before, it was nothing compared to how they look now, they were absolutely livid.

"What the hell were you thinking" Jake's screams at me as he moves me into the middle seat. I'm now again trapped between two extremely angry Alpha's.

I'm about to respond when I feel a small prick of pain in my shoulder, I turn suddenly to see Connor inject the last of the serum.

"Ho-o-ow coo-uu-ld y-oo-u" I try to ask but my words are already becoming slurred,

"Sleep" Connor demands as he and Jake kiss my forehead

"N-ee-vv-eeer" I try to reply, as sleep overcomes me and i fall into a restless sleep.

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