"Okay so which movie do we watch now Grownups 2 or Paper Towns?" Lauren asked going through her DVD's. "Paper Towns!!" Camila and I said. "Grownups 2" Lauren and Normani said. "Oh come on Paper Towns is super cool!!" I said. "Yeah and Lauren your a lot like Margo" Camila said raising her eyebrow. "It's relatable" "It's by John Green come on his books make great movies" Camila and I said. "Your lucky we're trying to make you happy today" Lauren said squinting her eyes at me. I smirked. "Omg you just did the smirk!!!" Camila yelled. "Calum, you, Dinah, Luke, and Zay can do it except me!!!" Camila whined. "It's because your precious" Lauren said. "They're rotten" Normani said. "Excuse me I am not rotten" I said. "Okay yeah except for you" Lauren said. "Just put the damn movie in!!" Camila said excitedly. "Damn okay" Normani said. "0 to 100 real quick" Lauren said. "Turn the lights off" I said. Lauren took the bowl of chocolate chip cookies and cheese balls then placed it on the table. She ran over to the lights then sat on my lap. "Jauregui, what are you doing?" I said. "I'm your movie buddy" Lauren said. "At least sit next to me so I can see the damn screen" I said chuckling. "Ugh your no fun" Lauren said. I attempted to throw a cheese ball at her but she caught it with her mouth. "Better than regular cheetos" Lauren said grinning at me. "Damn you Lolo" I said. "Awww you called me Lolo" Lauren said snuggling into my side. I rested my head on her shoulder. The movie started playing and Camila squealed in excitement. "Damn Camz, calm down" Lauren said. "Sssshhhhh" Camila said. We laughed. "So how do you feel about Dinah?" Lauren asked. "I think that she has a legitimate reason for leaving" I said. "Really?" Lauren asked. "I saw the way she looked at me Laur, not Austin, not Shawn, nor Justin have ever looked at me that way" I said. "So you think she loves you?" Lauren asked. "No, I don't know" I said. "Well you know what they say if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is yours forever. If it doesn't, then it never was yours at all" Lauren said. "Wow you actually listened in class" I said. "Yeah Mr. Fitz isn't that boring" Lauren said. "I actually liked his class, too bad were moving on though" Lauren said. "Do you even remember who said the quote?" I asked. "Richard Bach" Lauren said. "Wow, I underestimated you Jauregui" I said. "Normani and you may be a bit more advanced than me but that doesn't hide the fact that I'm smart" Lauren said. "Yeah all three of us are going on the list of top 10 students with the highest average" I said. "Isn't it 15?" Lauren asked. "I don't know we'll see" I said. "We have to do something before we go to college" Lauren said. "Cause your going to Stanford so your staying here, I'm going to UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, and Mani is going to NYU" Lauren said. "Wow Normani is the only one of us leaving the west coast" I said. "Yeah you guys are losers choosing to stay home" Normani said. "Whatever Mani!!" Lauren said. "I'm going to miss you two" Normani said resting her head on my shoulder. Camila then layed down on our laps. "What college are you going to Camz?" Lauren asked. "Juliard" Camila said. "Where's that?" I asked. "New York" she replied. "Yasss" Normani said. "We gotta get an apartment together!!" Normani said. "Ayyyye we're gonna be New Yorkers" Camila said. "Where's Dinah going?" I asked. "Well she had two choices USC or UCLA" Camila said. "When you guys met that was her final week to choose and she chose UCLA to be closer to you" Camila said. "Well now she can choose something else cause she doesn't want to be near me" I said. I felt a vibration in my pocket and pulled out my phone. "Josh?" I asked surprised. "Y/N! I need to tell you something Dinah ended things with you because Austin threatened to hurt you and your friends so she went to his house and tried to talk to him and you know Austin doesn't talk" Josh said all at once. "Wait so what happened? Is she okay? Damn it I should've known something was fishy" I said. "To be honest Dinah can kick some butt however she's bleeding but conscious, she also has a consussion" Josh said. "But what happened to Jesse? And Austin?" I asked. The girls started looking at me funny. "Austin got into his car and drove somewhere, Jesse got stitches on his eye brow and he's helping Dinah, who's yacking up a storm" Josh said. "Where are you guys?" I asked. "My house" Josh said. "Okay I'm on my way" I sighed. "We're coming with you" Lauren said. "I don't know" I said. "Y/N, Dinah is my best friend I need to go" Camila said. "Fine" I said. "Let's go!" I said running to Camila's car. Camila got in the driver's seat and I got into the passenger's seat, Normani and Lauren were in the back. "So what's wrong with Dinah?" Camila asked as she went as fast as she could down the road. "She apparently fought Austin and she's bleeding, has a concussion and vomiting" I said. "You gotta be kidding me!" Camila said. She turned left as I told her to and continued straight to Josh's house. "She could've told us instead of going by herself" Camila said. "We could've taken that punk" Camila said. "Yeah that's not fair!!" Normani said. "At least she's okay" I said. "Now I feel bad,I really thought she was doing this on purpose" Lauren said. "Don't be too hard on yourself we all did" I said. "I just hope she's okay" Camila said. "Me too" I said. Camila turned right and entered a slightly different neighborhood than mine. "Dinah's here?" Camila said. "It's not that bad" Lauren said. We got out of the car and rang the doorbell. "Hey guys" Jesse said. "Come in" He said stepping aside. We basically ran to Dinah. "Dinah! Dinah!" We yelled. "ssssshhhhh" Josh said. "She's resting" Josh said. "Who wants to come in first?" Josh asked. "Y/N" the girls said. "Uh okay" I said. I went into Jesse's room where Dinah was laying. I couldn't look at her without feeling horrible. "Dinah" I said. I knelt down next to her and tears started streaming down my face. "It's okay Y/N/N" Dinah struggled to say. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you" I said. "It's okay, I shouldn't have gone through with Austin's stupid plan" Dinah said. I slid into Jesse's bed and looked at Dinah who was smiling. "I sort of knew something was up but your a pretty good actor Dinah Jane" I said. "I know I am" Dinah said. I laughed. Dinah sighed then closed her eyes. "Does it still hurt?" I asked. "I'll be alright" Dinah said. I realized that her lip had a scar on it and so did her eyebrow. "What are your parents' going to say?" I asked. "Well I can cover up these bruises so" Dinah said. "Okay" I said. It got real silent for a good 30 seconds. "C-can I- " Dinah was saying when the girls ran into the room. "Dinah!" Camila said. "Oh" Camila added when she saw me and Dinah. "I was wondering why it was so quiet" Lauren said smirking. "Ugghhhh you know how to smirk too" Camila said. We laughed. "Dinah! Are you okay though?" Camila asked. "Yeah Mila I'm fine" Dinah said. "No memory loss?" Camila asked using her phone flashlight to look at Dinah's eyes. "Mila! Stop that hurts!" Dinah said closing her eyes. "Sorry DJ" Camila said. "It's okay" Dinah groaned. All the girls then fell on top of Dinah and I. "Thanks guys, really feeling the love" Dinah struggled to say. She gave a small laugh. "We should probably get you home" I said. "Can you guys come to Orange County?" Dinah asked. "Oh YEAH!! YOU GUYS ALWAYS HAVE US COMING HERE YOU HAVE TO COME!! IT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!" Camila squealed. "Damn Mila we'll go" Lauren said. "Yess!!" Camila yelled.

I thought I was the one who was suppose to be sleeping but Y/N feel asleep on my lap. It was cute and the girls thought so too cause they were snapchatting so many photos. "Can you guys please stop taking pictures?" I asked. "You should see the one with the dog filter we posted you guys LOOK SO CUTE!" Camila squealed. "I can't believe your making me drive right now!" Normani said. "Well there's a lot of traffic" Camila said. "Ugh at least tell me you guys brought the snacks" Normani said. "Yup we got the roadtrip food" Lauren said. Y/N turned over in her sleep and her head was on my shoulder. Her hair was sprawled all over my neck. I laughed and decided to sleep too. I thought I would be out like a light but I've been awake for some reason.

"Guys apparently we're the only one's awake" I said. "Finally!" Normani said. "So when do you think they're going to kiss" Camila said. "Wait Y/N and Dinah?" I asked. "Yeah, duh, who else?" Normani said. "I don't know, I don't think Y/N is ready" I said. "Lauren she's had her first kiss already" Normani said. "Yeah with a bunch of boys" I said. "Remember she has a plan for her life" I said. "Oh yeah that society BS plan, she thinks she's going to have an amazing job in science with a husband, two kids, and a puppy" Normani said shaking her head. "We gotta teach that girl how to live" Normani said. "But she can still have that with Dinah except for the husband thing" Camila said. "No Mila she wants her own kids and I know she doesn't want that sperm donation crap" I said. "Well not if we ask one of our really good boy friends" Normani said. "You really think we're all going to keep in touch" I said. "Well it's possible" Camila said. "Where are the guys going anyway?" I asked. "Well I know Calum is pursuing a career in soccer" Camila said. "Luke wants to do something in music" I said. "Oh yeah Calum was thinking about that a bit" Camila said. "What about Micheal and Ashton?" Normani asked. "We don't know honestly" Camila and I said. "But guess what! Ashton is the salutatorian and I'm VALEDICTORIAN!" Camila said. "Wait hold up you?" Normani asked. "Yes me, I'm smarter than you people think" Camila said. "What about Dinah?" I asked. "Dinah almost didn't make it on the list of students with the highest average and it's a good thing too, her family would've not been able to fully pay for the tuition" Camila said. "That girl worked her butt off" Camila said. "Your kidding?" I said. "Well isn't this day full of surprises" Normani said. "I guess we're all very smart people" Camila said. "Heh sure, not all of us have a perfect 4.0 GPA" I said. "Oh come on! You guys are intelligent" Camila said. "All I did was work my butt off for the last two years for my family" Camila said. "We all have different incentives for being intellectual people" Camila said. "Uh huh your not going all braniac on us" Normani said. "Okay, okay" Camila said. "Your right we all deserve this Camz" I said. Camila smiled with satisfaction and we both looked back at Dinah and Y/N sleeping. The universe seems to keep bringing those two back together I just hope Y/N can see that.

Phew THAT WAS A LONG CHAPTER!! ✌ Happy (late) 4th of July! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🎉

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