Crushing Daze. Zane x Travis

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Long ago, before Aphmau befriended Zane. His heart was black and cold. As far as anyone known, Zane hated everyone but that hadn't been true at all. He had his own secrets (other than ponies). Zane was in love with someone he had known from high school, and it was no other than our own green eyed flirt. Travis. Zane had been afraid to confess his feelings. He had shut everyone , he didn't know how to act around others. Time went by and Zane kept to himself. Eventually Aphmau befriended the broken soul and thawed his frozen heart. He confided his secret to Aphmau. "Aw Zane that's adorable. Don't worry I'll try to help" she said. Zane made her swear not to tell a living soul. Zane kinda got around to being a fangirl. He watch Travis mow the lawn on a hot summer day. He glisen with sweat and then he took his shirt off. Zane gasped at his muscular body. He fainted and Travis saw him fall and run to his aid. Zane had been out cold but not been breathing when Travis checked. Travis knew what this called for, mouth to mouth. Aphmau had been bringing cupcakes ovèr when she saw Travis and Zane. She rushed over to see what was going on. From what she could see was Travis kissing Zane. She dropped the cupcakes and shreik in fangirlism. Aphmau shrieking seem to wake up Zane.... and attract the rest of the neighborhood. Zane released that Travis had his mouth on his, thinking it was a dream. Zane reached up and put his arms around Travis and began to make out with him. Travis in shock, he had never kissed a boy before but it seemed so comfortable. Travis began to kiss Zane back and Aphmau nearly died of fangirling. Zane and Travis ended up together and hapily ever after. The end

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