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Both Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan
Had compromised that they would forgive eachother. Both plotted to make their ships come true with love potion cupcakes. Kawaii~Chan wanted to give them to Aphmau Senpai and Aaron Kun. Lucinda,however, wanted to give them to Katelyn and the green eyed beauty, Travis ;) . Unfortunately Lucina and Kawaii~Chan only had enough love potion for one set of cupcakes. Kawaii~Chan had baked them into sparkly pink cupcakes. To avoid suspicion Kawaii~Chan made other regular cupcakes and then the next day Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan invited everyone over for a pool party. "Aphmau senpai! Aaron Kun! Kawaii~Chan baked cupcakes cause Kawaii~Chan is very good at baking and wanted you to have some as an apology for the shipping shrine" Aphmau and Aaron shuddered at the memory of Kawaii~Chan 's shipping shrine. Lucinda managed to grab one regular cupcake and a love potion cupcake and headed to Katelyn and Travis. "Something sweet for the sweetie?" Lucinda said offering Travis the love potion cupcake. "Anything for hot stuff" Travis said eating the cupcake. Zane attracted to the cupcakes, cause of he his love of cupcakes. He took one or four of the cupcakes. One of them had been the other potion cupcake. He began to eat the cupcake and stopped in his tracks. "Heeey Katel-" Travis stopped immediately. The potion had been put into action. Kawai~Chan and Lucinda ran at eachother fight, "This is Lucinda senpai's fault. You ruined Kawaii~Chan's ship. Now feel the wrath of a million burnt cookies." She said throwing burnt cookies at Lucinda. Travis and Zane came to eachother declaring their love for one another. Travis rested his hand on Zane's cheek. He pushed his hair back, exposing his whole phase and the made out cause they loved eachother so much. They eventually got married by the chicken shaman. They ripped off their shirts and hugged and zane sparkled with happiness. Katelyn became so saltythen Zane married the love of her life. But she kept the memory of his shirt off and grabbing her butt. Zane and Travis lived happily ever after
Aphmau please make this a video if seen plees

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