Chapter 10: The Ticket

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Saman was confused and had no idea what she would do. Sahil refused to buy her a ticket and she wouldn't let Baba pay for it in rupees. Her savings were her only option. She quickly turned to her piggy bank and found a total of $350 in it."oh please God make this be enough for a ticket". With shaking fingers she looked for a ticket online and to her delight tickets ranged from $250-300 giving Saman $50 for other stuff. She went to Sahil to talk about her ticket. Saman didn't want to involve her parents in this matter otherwise they'd get worried and pay themselves.

"Kaka?",she said at the door.

"Yes?",he said without looking up from the TV.

" I'm here to talk about the ticket"

"I don't suport your cause therefore don't expect a penny out of me"

"I-I have the money. I just need your credit card number and you to confirm the ticket"

"Hand over the money first Saman"

"Here you go Kaka"

Sahil counted the money and then confirmed the ticket and just like that,Saman knew she was finally going to BA.

Now Saman had to pack. "Ugh I hate packing and folding",Saman said as she entered her room to pack up her things. It was July 20th which gave Saman less than a month to get her self together. As she was rummaging through her closest it suddenly hit her. Her heart sank to the ground.

Ibrahim. What would happen to Ibrahim? Saman was so lost in her excitement and her worries that she forget the fact that her little brother would be all alone with two monsters. If was true that Sahil and Hina favored Ibrahim while they hated Saman. The reason they liked him was because he was a quite boy who didn't interfere in anything. "I can't go. I can't leave Ibrahim alone", Saman thought to herself. She didn't want to be selfish.

She immediately called her mom. Shiza picked up on the second ring.


"Mommy I can't go to BA"

"What're you talking about honey?"

"Mommy I can't leave Ibrahim alone. I just can't. What will happen to him if I go? What if they don't even give him good? Who's going to do his laundry?,with saying this in one breath,Saman broke into tears.

"Saman! Calm down! Your brother is 14 now. And we all know Sahil loves him more than anything. Don't worry about him. I know you love your brother but do you really think he's going to let you stay? And never forget that Allah is always watching him"

"You're right Mummy. It's just I don't want him to think I'm picking BA over him"

"Ibrahim loves you and would never think like that. Don't you believe your mother?"

"Of course I believe you Mummy. Oh Mummy, Sahil bought me a ticket. "


"Yes Mummy he bought me a ticket. My flights on August 13th"

"Saman did he really buy you a ticket?"

"Yes Ma. He must've came to his senses"

"Ohh",Shiza was in shock and said nothing more.

"Yes Ma."

There was silence and Shzia broke the silence by saying "Saman you should really go start packing. And see things are bright in your future. Sahil is already starting to change"

"Yes Mummy. Allah Hafiz"

"Allah Hafiz my baby"

Saman hung up. She hated lying to her mother but she knew that her mother must be worrying like crazy and she had to give her some peace of mind. If lying was the way then she'd have to do it.

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