Chapter 18

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I woke up with a grin on my face, the past few days has been very amazing. It was still weird when im around Farkle or he's around me..

I really felt like ive known him forever, or something like that. A flashback then hit my head.


"Here." The brown haird boy gave me a polaroid camera

"Whats this?" I said as my eyes widened

He chuckled "since today is your birthday, here's a present." He said as he pointed the camera that he gave me

"I could never thank you enough! Thank you so much!" I said as i hugged him tightly "i love you fa–" i said

End of flashback

It ended so quickly, it hurted my head. I was about to say his name, but.. It ended. Something that has to do with fa..

I shook my head and just went inside the bathroom to get ready.


After taking a bath, i then wore a denim ripped jeans, a white adidas shirt, a denim jacket and a blue and white adidas shoes.

I actually liked my style today. I then waved goodbye to maya because my class starts at 9 and hers starts at 9:30.

As i was walking towards the building, i then remembered, that camera... I quickly opened my nike backpack and checked the camera inside of it, it was the same camera that brown haired boy gave me..

I sat on a bench with fraustration. I just... Want to remember.. A tear fell down my eyes. Im really struggling right now.

A boy then suddenly approached me, for a second thought, i thought it was Charlie. But i looked up to him, and he looked at me with a concerned face, why would he care? I just gave him a questioning look. I then looked down, playing with my hands.

He then grabbed my chin and made me face him, i had goosebumps.

"Why are you crying?" He said still looking at me with concern

"N-nothing.." I said stuttering

He offered me a hug but i declined it "no.. Your girlfriend.. Would be jealous.." I said as i shook my head

He then just rolled his eyes and hugged me tightly. I was weird but, i hugged back.

"Im really just fraustrated, you know? Having amnesia... It Isnt really the best thing to cope with." I said as i sobbed, he wiped the tears streaming down my face and smiled at me, damn, he looks so hot.. Wait, what about charlie, and besides.. He does have a girlfriend.. Ugh..

"Ill know you'll remember everything sooner or later.." He said as he stood up, breaking our hug, i want to hug him all day.. Woah, wait. Thats was very weird, why am i thinking of this right now?

He then waved goodbye at me i did the same. I sighed and stood up and walked towards photopgraphy class when suddenly..

A girl with black hair cornered me, causing me to hit the wall. It hurts.

"Whoever you are. Stay Away from Farkle!" She said as she shouted at me, making me almost half deaf

I nodded quickly, my heart pounded intensely "im his girlfriend if you dont know, and i advice you to stay away from him or else, youll regret everything." She said and shot a deadly glare at me, it scared me so much.

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