Missing You

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the priest announced.

It was a huge ceremony. After all, you were the next heir to your parents' world famous company.

However, Yoongi was the son of a CEO who's company.. Was not so well known.

Throughout the whole building, nasty rumors were being spread about the marriage.

'Why marry a no body like him?' Was one of them, which basically summed all of them up.

The truth was, you had gotten an interest in Yoongi when you first met in a meeting of several companies. He was your first love, and your whole family was awaiting your marriage soon.

Yoongi didn't have a choice in this. The (L/N) family practically bought him from his family. They paid his friends and former lover to stay away from him.

Your company made a deal to help Yoongi's company in terms of money when needed. And, willingly, they agreed. All your family wanted was the best for you.

"You may now kiss the bride.."

Yoongi lifted your veil and revealed your beautiful face with sparkling eyes.

All you could see were his cold, dark eyes. He had a straight face, not bothering to show any emotion whatsoever.

He bent down and you leaned in for the kiss. Once your lips pecked, the whole crowd cheered for the newly wed couple.

As he walked down the aisle to the limousine, Yoongi managed to put on a fake smile.

You, on the other hand, had the brightest smile on your face.

You got into the limo first with Yoongi holding the door for you. He got in and made no eye contact with you. It was a silent car ride.


You went towards the bedroom of the mansion you two would be living from now on. Yoongi followed behind you, not knowing and not bothering to know where it was.

You took off all your accessories and your headress. You let your hair fall down and took your makeup off.

Yoongi came back to the room and you saw him wearing comfortable clothes.

"Y-Yoongi.." He looked towards your figure, with your head down.

"I'm sorry.."

"What's there to be sorry about? We're married now. Husband and wife. All it took was some money. Money to keep my happiness away." He snapped.

You looked down at the floor even more, afraid to look at his eyes. He walked towards you and helped you get out of your dress. He looked away when it was off.

"Thank you.." You said and went to get dressed.

When you came back, you saw Yoongi sitting on the bed with his face resting in his hands.

"U-um, are we going to our honeymoon tomorrow?" You asked.

"We have to. Otherwise, how is the public going to know we love each other?" He coldly said, again.

"Alright..." You felt a tinge of happiness, knowing he was at least going to be by your side.


It had been a few months, and your relationship was growing very slowly. What was growing was the Min company's business rates.

Both companies now knew that Yoongi was a responsible man for you. The coldness reduced a bit, but he knew his duties as your husband was crucial for his company. In fact, he started to accept the reality and know that he was your husband now.

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