Chapter Thirty Eight- Please

Start from the beginning

Dahlia stared through the window, eyes widened and bright. She smiled.

"What? Go away."

Dahlia mouthed 'can I come in' or something of the sort. Roy rolled his eyes. He knew she'd come in anyway even if he said no.

Dahlia sat down next to Roy and smiled.

"Your boyfriend broke my nose," he said.

Dahlia's eyes were downcast. "Yeah, about that."

"It's not okay," Roy tried to sound serious. He felt silly. "Also, what the hell was you can't hit a cripple all about?"

Dahlia frowned.

"And why are you here? And why did I let you sex me?!"

"We didn't have sex...who the hell calls it sexing?" Dahlia chuckled.

"It was a sexual gesture," Roy said.

"It was a blowjob."

"My point exactly, Dahlia."

"Could have turned into sex."

"Aaand your boyfriend broke my nose."

"Did you feel it."


"Did you feel the blowjob."

"Why on earth would you ask me that."

"Because I want to know if I did it right."

"Yeah. I felt it."


"Differently, okay? But I felt it."

"I'm glad."

"Your boyfriend. Broke. My nose."

"You were kind of asking for it."

"You put me in your closet."

"Where else were you supposed to go? Under the bed?"

Roy noticed the black and blue marks on Dahlia's bicep and collarbone.

"He didn't..."

Dahlia didn't answer.

"He didn't..."

No answer again.

"Dear god, Dahlia!"

"It's not as bad as what he did to you."

"That's because I was asking for it, remember? You're a woman. You're a lady. He can't do that, you're a woman."

"You're a cripple."


"So it's agreed that punching cripples and women is wrong?"

"Punching anyone is wrong basically unless someone's all up in your face and you gotta fight back..."

"You could've fought back."

"I'm at the level of his belt, how badly do you think that would've went?"

"Could've punched him in the groin."

"Your boyfriend. Fiancé. Like you're totally supporting the idea of me attempting and failing miserably at beating him up."

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." Dahlia held up her hand. "I threw the ring at him and told him to piss off."


"He punched me and I told him I'd call the cops and he left without his fishing pole."

"Did he still want to be with you even though he basically caught us?"

"It wasn't me who he was angry with."

"But he hurt you."

"He hurt you worse." Dahlia ran her finger down Roy's cheek. "You should ice that. Really."

"I can take care of myself. Really."

Dahlia nodded. She embraced Roy, throwing her arms around his shoulders. Roy buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing the freshly  formed bruise.

Dahlia pulled away and took Roy's hands. "I want to try something."

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