Chapter 10

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Standing in front of him feels like the most intimidating situation I have ever experienced, he's so tall. And his face is scaring.

-"Get in! Immediately! We are going to have a serious conversation." I want to move, but I can't. I'm living the situation but is as if I was watching everything from outside of my body. He grabs my arm and pulls me, he's not hurting me or anything, but his touch brings back memories of me being a child, being lift by his arms and being carried on his shoulders, and I feel pain.

He gets me into his study and observes me for what feels like a life time.

-"You're over reacting." I whisper. But he hears me. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud, it just came out.

-"Am I? You left this house without my permission, you didn't call to tell where you went, you never answered to my calls, and you arrive here past ten. Not to mention that you just moved here, to this house, to this country. You don't know your way back, you don't even have our phone numbers, or our address. You left about eight hours ago for Christ's sake, eight hours that I have spent wondering where you could possibly be. And you think I am over reacting?!" He screams and his voice rumbles in my whole body. No one has ever talk to me that way, not even my mother who is not tender, tolerant, loving or caring as most mothers are, I want to cry but at the same time I don't want to allow that he sees me that way.

-"I told Emma I was going out."

-"Yes, but you didn't tell me. I am responsible for you, not Emma. I am the one who's been going crazy during your absence. And you don't fool me young girl, don't play dumb, you know exactly what you did. You used her as a shield to avoid me. What is this for you, a game? You have been only here for two days an look at everything you've caused. It's unacceptable that at your age I still have to worry about your discipline, or better said your lack of it. I hope you see that your behavior is not going to be accepted in this house. Do you understand?"

-"Yes! Can I explain myself?"

-"Honestly I don't want to hear it."

-"I'm trying to be mature over here, but it won't work if you refuse to listen what I have to say." I expect him to say something but he remains silently so I understand he is actually willing to listen. "First of all, I went out with Sebastian not just any stranger I met on the street, I went to see the city. We had gelato not hard drugs. You can check my freaking phone I don't have any missed call whatsoever, and you would have called him if you thought I was in risk or something, you knew I was with him, and not only because I told Emma, but because you know he's the only person I know in here, and you even asked him to be my friend. Now, I'm not going to lie, I did ask Emma to told you because I didn't want to talk to you in the first place, but I didn't use her or anything. And you know what? You never ever told me you had strict rules in your house, my mom told me that my life was going to be as it was before and you didn't tell me otherwise, which for me meant I could do stuff as I did it at home. I don't have to ask permission or inform where I'm going, usually because there's no one around, but even if there's someone, it's my call not theirs. I get to chose whether I answer or not the phone, on weekends I don't have a curfew, only weekdays and it is at midnight. And you know why? Because I never go out, I like staying in, studying and watching movies and baking and all the things I get to do by myself, this is the first time I go out in months. And when I do go out no one treats me this way because they trust me, because I have never been into trouble and I do everything I can to not bother in the very least to the people around me. So I really don't appreciate your distrusting towards me." I ran out of breath, there's still a lot of things I want to say, but I can't get my brain or my mouth to function anymore. He frowns and is breathing sharply. I think here comes another round, but I'm not ready for it.

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