"Well he finally bought an apartment, so he isn't sleeping on my couch anymore. I mean it was fine when I was living by myself, but now that Kris and I are married it's good that he has his own place," Mason was so supportive of Jayden and even helped him find a job as an accountant.

"That's good for both of you. He's lucky to have you. Are the four of us still on for dinner next week?" I asked absentmindedly as I went through my calculations one more time. We just had to prove to the board that this merger would solve all of Blue Ridge's financial issues and would expand Echo Park's customer pool and give them a more sophisticated image.

"Kristen and I are good, and Jayden said he is bringing his new girlfriend."

"Great so I'm fifth wheeling again," I sighed and tucked my short, neatly curled hair behind my ear. After I graduated college I decided to cut it short for an older look, but sitting in a pant suit in this big office, even after almost a year, I still felt like a kid compared to everyone else.

"You could bring someone. I know you don't like Kris and I trying to set you up with people, but one of her coworkers is smart, nice, and even I can admit he's good looking," Mason shrugged, not insecure in his masculinity at all.

"I don't know Mas. I guess I'll give it a shot, but don't get your hopes up," I sighed. Over the past four years I'd dated several guys, but nothing lasted for more than a few months. There was always something that convinced me it wasn't the right guy or the right time or whatever. I had a list of excuses.

"I'll have Kristen talk to him today," Mason pulled out his phone to text his wife. Even though they'd been together for six years, the fact that they were married would still take some getting used to. I still stole Kristen for girls' night every two weeks, which often consisted of wine and talking about our latest news on Kristen's big porch.

"Alright they're going to be ready for us soon. You good?" I scanned my key talking points one more time.

Roger started barking and running around frantically before dashing toward the door. I looked up from my notes, turned in my chair, and clapped a hand over my mouth.

Turner was squatting on the ground, in uniform, taking all of Roger's slobbering kisses with a smile. He looked up at me and the corners of his green eyes crinkled as he smiled.

He stood up and opened his arms as I stood up and collided with his chest, unable to stop the tears from welling in my eyes.

"What are you doing here stranger?" Mason walked over and clapped him on the back. I stepped back so I could compose myself and give Mason a chance to hug him. I wiped the tears from my eyes and watched as Roger continued to circle around Turner's feet.

"I wanted to surprise you guys. I'm home, for good. They're going to pay for college, and I'm going to take night classes and find a job. I'm back," Turner's eyes took in my new hair and business look and made me realize that it'd been over a year since I last saw him in person. He looked great. His hair was buzzed and he'd really grown into his build. His jaw was sharp and chiseled and he stood tall, confident, but with all the changes his eyes were still intense as ever.

"That's great man. If you're interested we'd love to have a U.S. Marine working here, especially if Sienna and I get this merger approved we'll need all the help we can get to pull it off," Mason suggested.

"Thanks Mas. I will definitely think about it, but for now I just want a day to get over how much I've missed you guys," Turner's eyes never left mine.

"I have to go... grab something. Come on Roger," Mason slipped out of the room and led Roger after him with promises of treats.

"How have you been?" Turner asked. He didn't fidget or scratch the back of neck like he used to. He'd grown up and grown in confidence too.

"I've been great. I love my job, Mason and my families are getting along better than ever, and I was the maid of honor in the wedding of my two best friends last month. How are you?" I smiled at him and tried to see the boy I'd been crazy about as a teenager in the man that stood in front of me.

"I'm so bummed I missed the wedding, but I'm glad they're so happy. I loved the marines, I did, but it served its purpose, and I'm ready for this next part of my life. So Mason and Kristen are married, Jayden told me he's dating some girl, how about you? Are you seeing anyone?" Turner glanced around the room nonchalantly. Since I didn't know his current relationship status, I thought about twisting my own status to save my pride, but what was the point? Turner and I had always been close friends, and he wouldn't judge me.

"Not at the moment. I haven't had a serious long term relationship in a while. I've been busy with work and everything. What about you?" I shrugged.

"It's hard when I haven't been in one place for very long. Nothing serious or long term either," his shrug matched mine.

"I'm going to dinner with the Mr. and Mrs., Jayden, and his girlfriend next week. Come with us?" I suggested cautiously.

"I'd like that. I've really missed you Si," Turner opened his arms and I walked right into them, feeling instantly at home.

"I've missed you too."

Seeing him again brought back feelings that I had subconsciously stored in the far corners of my brain, sheltering myself because all they would do is cause heartbreak and worry when he was gone.

I was grateful, truly, for those four and a half years without him because I knew that I didn't need Turner Sorenson. I had a college degree, a great job, and my own apartment, and I did all of that on my own. The thing is, just because I didn't need him in my life doesn't mean I didn't want him in my life.

So there I was walking out of the conference room to go give my pitch leaving a man and his dog wrestling behind me knowing that I'd come back for them, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they'd become what I come home to every day.

Well folks that's a wrap!  The Consequences of Hell Week is officially finished!  Thanks for sticking with me this whole time!  I would love to hear your overall thoughts on the whole book so please comment and vote one last time!  A new chapter of Fight For Me is going up today so be sure to check it out!  Just because this book is over doesn't mean that there isn't more to read from me!  The summary is below!

Fight For Me

If life were a game, the Hartman twins were in first place by a mile. Beautiful, sweet Lynn is one half of the school's golden couple while jaw dropping, volatile Lexi can't keep the date requests at bay. They're living life better than anyone could hope to until one night changes everything and leaves them fighting to hold onto the frayed edges of their old lives.

The whole town is reeling after a series of bad choices collide into a mess they can't even begin to comprehend let alone accept. The nightmare leaves one twin fighting for her life while the other is fighting with the guilt, but who is really to blame? For the next few months it seems like every day is a fight. They fight for the guys in their lives, fight their grief, fight for a sense of normalcy, fight for the futures that once seemed so easily in reach, but most of all they fight for each other. The thing is no matter how hard you fight, sometimes you ultimately lose because in real life there aren't always happy endings. Two twins, one to blame, and possibly only one who can hope for her old life back.

Copy and paste the link below or find it on my profile along with my other two books!


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