Chapter 5: Shock to the System

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Things are about to get complicated, and it makes it oh so interesting. Let me know what your reactions are!

The next day I was about to start teaching my skiing for beginners class when I felt it.  That stirring in the air again.

It was exactly thirty minutes after school was over and they were here.  On Wednesdays all the schools in our area let students out early so they could have a long afternoon on the mountains.  Snowboarders came from all over Park City this week for their once a year opportunity to snowboard at Blue Ridge.

Some came for the powder, some came for the new experience, and some came to harass the people of Blue Ridge.

The voices of all the little kids in my class slowly faded as they watched the swarm come over the ridge.  Dressed mostly in black, the snowboarders poured over the crest above us.  Snow flew everywhere as they cut around my class in their rush to the chair lift. 

As I rounded the kids up into a small group so they wouldn't get trampled, I heard someone shout my name.

I turned to see Jayden waving at me like a complete idiot, he was so distracted he caught an edge and face planted a few feet away.  He was like a toddler who couldn't stand for long without falling over.

"Smooth" I tried to hold back my laugh.

"There was a chunk of ice.  Who are all these kids?  You're a little young to be a mom of eight aren't you?" Jayden rested his arm on my shoulder.

"I'm teaching a beginner's skiing class.  Kids this is Jayden, and the guy racing towards us completely out of control is my cousin Mason.  Oh and that guy right there with the scowl on his face who thinks he's better than everyone, that's Turner" I smiled sweetly at the kids as Mason and Turner joined the group.

Turner just rolled his eyes.

"Hey kids I hate to tell you this, but your teacher's not as good as she thinks she is.  Your parents are wasting their money" Turner threw back with no emotion whatsoever.

"I'm working can you not be a complete jerk and embarrass me in front of my students?" I hissed at him while keeping a smile on my face so the kids wouldn't think something was wrong.

"You started it" Turner rolled his eyes, again.  I really hoped his eyes got stuck in the back of his head so I never had to look at that annoying green color ever again.  Sure the annoying part was the fact that I hated myself for loving the color of his eyes, but it was still his fault nonetheless.

"Mason get him out of here before I kill him in front of eight very young and impressionable witnesses" I whispered to Mason while trying so hard not to strangle the smug look off Turner's face.

"Told you she likes me better," Jayden gloated, "bye Sienna" Jayden waved dramatically as Mason dragged him away by his collar.  Turner on the other hand had no problem stalking away from me by choice.

As I wrangled the kids up and started the painful process of getting them organized into groups to get on the chairlift, I noticed a commotion out of the corner of my eye.

Mason and Turner were arguing while Jayden laid in the snow making snow angels.  Mason kept poking Turner in the chest before pointing in my direction.  Turner shoved him backwards and continued to shout.  I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying, but it clearly wasn't good. 

After the events of the past two days, I was glad I refused all of Mason's invitations to parties with his friends for the past three years.  In the beginning we weren't close enough, but even once we were I would still rather stay late and ski after hours than make awkward small talk with people I didn't know. 

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