Family Troubles

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One time long ago, there was an old gnome in a shop who just so happened to be being yelled at by his boss...well maybe not one time...

"This is the last time I'm going to tell you, stop being rude to the customers!"

"I ain't BEING rude to the customers! I tell ya' I'm simply pointing out the obvious!"

"Well your pointing is losing ME customers! How many times have you used the word fool today? I swear I could play a drinking game! Now I've been VERY patient with you because you and your brothers are barely getting by, but I will NOT tolerate your attitude!"

The gnome pulled his brown hat down over his head in frustration, clearly tired of all the yelling. What had he done to deserve this? He only told the customer to use their eyes and make an attempt to find the garden hoses themselves...they didn't even bother to look around! They just came in and asked for his assistance as if he didn't look busy. He had tried to explain this to his boss, but the woman just wouldn't listen to reason!

"Humph! Shows just how well woman do in management positions."

"What was that?!"

"What was what?"

The young woman pressed her fingers into her eyes. She was just as tired of the routine as he was. Why did she have to hire HIM? He had six other brothers, but none of them wanted the job. Even the little retarded one would have been a better choice, but no. They already had jobs working in the mines after all, and they were good at it. If more people would just apply at her store...

"Go home Grumpy...just go home."


Grumpy turned around towards the exit and stomped out of the store without another word. Almost every day he'd been through this. He quit his job at the mine because he and his brothers needed more money, but now he wondered if that was a mistake. He knew it was only a matter of time before he was fired. What on earth made Doc think he'd be good at customer service?

"I should've never had listened to that old goat! All he does is make one bad choice after another. It's a miracle our house weren't burnt down sooner!"

Grumpy crawled into one of the tents he bought at Garden and Yard Décor with every intention of going to sleep before his brothers showed up to greet him. Seeing as he was sent away early he should have been able to get some extra rest before going back to his job there, but then again it's hard to avoid the eyes of six people who were born and raised in the woods and therefor knew the dangers that lurked within and were always alert. Since

Dopey had burned their house down due to Doc stating that it was "his turn to cook" they had been living in the tents and on the alert to any and all dangers. Luckily the stuff at Garden and Yard Décor was cheap so not much money was spent on it, but he did wish the job there wasn't so annoying. Living in the woods with his brothers and Snow White had made him forget why he hated people. Well he certainly remembered now.

"Hello there Grumpy, welcome home!"

Grumpy cringed at the sound of Happy's voice. He hated him almost as much as he hated Doc. Sometimes Grumpy wondered if he and Dopey were BOTH retarded. Didn't he realize they were homeless and almost broke?

"We don't have a home ya' fool. Doc there destroyed it."

"I didn't destroy anything! That was D-Dopey and you know it!" yelled Doc by their campfire.

Family TroublesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora