Here We Go Again. Yay.

Börja om från början

5. If so, what character?

Ahaha, let's not even go there. 

7. Have you ever created a mesh between between an anime character, a real person, and something sexual?

Heh...*looks away* Me? No. I would never. 

Pfft. What are you even talking about?

8. Did you realize I skipped number 6?

I did. I'm not sure why you skipped it, but whatever the reason - I hope you're ready to accept the consequences of completely disregarding that poor number. 

9. Have you ever played a game in a language you don't understand because it hasn't been released in your language?

Please don't get me started on Hadaka Shitsuji

I'd rather not discuss...that. 

But, um, I did have this game on my phone that was in Japanese and the whole point was growing different types of carrots. I obviously had no idea what the hell I was doing, but I remember having some weird bodybuilder carrot. Buff carrot, I think it was called. It had abs. 

10. What is a horrible habit of yours?

Ugh, you really know the questions to ask, don't you?

Oh God. Get ready. I'm not sure it's considered a 'habit', but it's definitely something I do constantly. 

*Sighs deeply*

If someone tells me not to touch them in a certain spot...I will not hesitate to pester them relentlessly. Of course, I'm not talking about when someone tells you not to grab their 'parts' (I don't want to go to jail for sexual harassment) I'm referring to random places on the body. 

Not that anyone's ever told me not to touch their privates, I promise I don't just go up to people and molest them. I'm not making myself sound like a good person. 

ANYWAY - I have a friend who can't stand being touched anywhere on his neck. So now, whenever I see him (basically everyday) I always greet him by making contact with his neck. I'm surprised we're still friends, really. 

I'd also like to point out that if you tell me your least favorite word - a word that just makes you shudder in disgust - I will make it my life goal to say that word as much as possible in our conversations. I won't just outright come at you and spam you with the word, I'll try to be polite about it.

If there's even is a polite way to annoy someone. 

I doubt it.

I'm not a bad person, I promise.

11. Have you ever bought something over three years ago and never even removed it from it's packaging? 

I actually don't think I have. If I buy something (that's not food) I usually take it home and destroy the packaging in order to get to/use it. 

Needless to say I don't buy too many things.

12. Have you ever learned so much about something you don't like, even the people who like it are astounded?

Ha, if I don't like something - I'm not going near it. Whether it's a book, show, food, place - even if it's a person - I might as well just not exist wherever that thing is concerned. I'm not going to be rude if someone else likes it and get all salty when they talk about it, I just won't engage myself in that conversation. 


Alright, that's over. It was fun, I suppose :3

Now, onto my questions for you! 

Yaaaaay *flails arms*


1. What's your favorite genre of music?

2. Do have a certain sentence that makes you laugh every time you read it?

3. Do you ever do something...even though you're fully aware that it won't end well? (I tend to touch the tray right after I pull it out of the oven. I know that it's gonna be hot - I went to school - but I still do it anyway. I put my hand on it, only to violently yank my arm away - basically dislocating my shoulder in the process - and hiss at the pain. I'll probably do it next time I bake something, too.)

4. What is your favorite thing to say?

5. Do you suffer from secondhand embarrassment? 

6. Did you ever have a secret language when you were a kid?

7. If you had to have your hair one color for the rest of your life - only one - what would it be? The color would never fade and it could only be one shade. I'm talking about an unnatural color, too - things like purple, blue, green, pink, etc.

8. Are your ears pierced?

9. If you had to guess, what's the biggest number of times you've listened to a song on repeat?

10. Do you have a favorite color of ink you like to write in?

11. Apple juice or orange juice? 

12. In your opinion, is there a difference between lemonade and pink lemonade?

13. Have you ever been with a friend and randomly heard/saw something that reminded you of something inappropriate, and when your friend asks why you're laughing, you're too ashamed to say why?

14. Do you like the grape Jolly Ranchers?


Woo Hoo \(O~O)/

People I'm tagging;







Okay, If you don't know how this goes, all you have to do is start a new book and answer the questions I asked ;) You need to say who tagged you and if you want, you can tag them back. I'm okay with tag-backs :P

Uuuuuum, and then you come up with your own questions and tag at least five other people. If you don't want me to tag you again, just message me to let me know. Sorry for bothering you >~<

But...yeah. *snaps and makes finger guns*

Cool beans. 

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