Here We Go Again. Yay.

132 13 47

>_> So Cakeles tagged me back, the little heathen. Just wait.

I might tag you again.

(Are you on edge yet?)

Mhmm mhmm.

I wish they made an emoji that was raising it's eyebrow.

That would come in handy Cakeles.


1. Have you ever seen a real person who looked like a mesh between two anime characters?
Not two, but once we had a substitute teacher who looked like the glorious author from Junjou Romantica - not Usagi, but the other one. The one who also liked Misaki but I can't remember his name and it's killing me. He was the author of 'The Kan' or something like that. His name was Mr. Wilson and I wanted to die because he was so pretty.

2. If you could destroy any live action adaptation of an anime/manga, what would it be?

That was too many big words and I have nooo idea what you're talking about.

3. Have you ever named or renamed a pet after an anime/manga character?

It's not necessarily my pet, but there's a lizard that shows up in my back yard every couple of days and I call it Midorima because I swear, it is the exact color of his hair and I love it.

4. Have you ever considered buying a body pillow, or have you bought one?

Surprisingly, I don't already have one and I haven't thought about buying one. I feel like if I were to get one, I wouldn't be able to stop. At some point later on in my life, I'd probably just hole myself up in my room and have full conversations with them. 

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