Part 1: Cooper

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~ "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space." ~

Cooper sat in the pilot seat the Ranger, watching the stars and galaxies fly by.  TARS was in a standing position behind him, and both were silent. Cooper stared off into space, deep in thought. He thought about Edmunds, and about the call he had received just before his departure, saying that Brand was, as Murph had said, alone. He thought about his children, and how he had left them. And most of all, he thought about Brand. Alone, on a strange planet, with nothing but CASE and some embryos for company. He didn't know why it had been so easy for him to leave, either. Maybe it was because it was Murph who sent me, Cooper thought. It made sense. And I did feel out of place. He could all but forget the feeling of complete isolation as the Ranger started to pull out of the wormhole.

 "We have just under 2 hours, Cooper," said TARS. 

"Alrighty, then," said Cooper. He took a breath. "Send CASE a signal."

"Should I ask him to notify Brand?"


"Roger that."

A/N: What do you think? Good? Awesome? Meh? Bad? I aim to make my other chapters this length or longer, and updates will probably be irregular. 

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