Chapter 1: Then Part 1

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Your POV-

Oh to be a princess is it difficult, it's not all pretty dresses and tea parties you know, I don't enjoy being fawned over and fused about it's all rather annoying and my life just got harder. I was just informed by my parents that I was to marry the second eldest son of the royal family of Okasis. Unlike most "good little princesses" who "felt it was their duty to their kingdom" and all that hog wash I am much more....rebellious. As for the "tea parties and pretty dresses" never was I a fan. I would much rather enjoy running about the castle and studying and learning all there was about the divine and magicks but of course for my dear parents sake I would throw on one of my many dresses and plaster on a fake smile and go along with their wishes...not like I had a choice anyway. I honestly didn't understand why this was being forced upon me for only being twelve. when I pointed that fact out to my parents they laughed and said "oh honey your not going to marry him yet you are simply betrothed you two aren't to marry till you are nineteen." I coked my head to the side "then what's the point?" I asked my mother and father "you two need to become acquainted so that you can get to know each other better." my father stated in his low voice." I rolled my eyes and huffed "well this is just ridiculous" I mumbled under my breath. "oh sweetie lighten up and let's go we need to be on our way if we want to make it to Okasis in time." my mother cooed leading me out the door. I rolled my eyes once more before following my parents. One of the maids handed me my coat before we headed out to the carriage. I slipped it on and made my way down the large snow covered stone steps to my family's carriage. the Family crest was planted on the side, a large dragon circling two crossed swords. the stage coach opened the door for my father who got in followed by my mother and then myself. the door was then shut and a few seconds later I felt the carriage lurch forward and we were off. 

the snow had begun to fall sometime along the way because when the carriage finally came to a halt and the door opened it was snowing. I wasn't surprised, it being the middle of winter. I stepped out onto the snow covered path following my parents. we were at the bottom of a set of large stairs much like the ones at my castle. I looked up at the family standing before us who I could only assume to be the  Ro'maeve's, the royal family of Okasis. The queen who I knew to be named Zianna was smiling down at me and the king Garte wore a blank but welcoming face. then there were the three sons. one had blond hair and blue eyes he was standing tall and looked very stiff but he smiled a very warm smile. Guessing from his stance and how much taller he was than the other two I could only assume he was the eldest. then there was another one standing to his right who looked to be about my age but he wasn't looking at me. In fact he was standing with his arms crossed and he was looking to the side. He didn't seam to be too happy. that must be Zane the one I am to marry. No wonder he looks so upset I'm not to thrilled either . He had black hair and looked to be much paler than his brother. then finally there was the youngest he only looked to be about nine or so he had brown and green eyes and didn't seam to be too interested in what was going on. instead he was fiddling with something he was holding. "we welcome you king and queen f/n and m/n of v/n and are glad to have you as guests in Okasis." the king boomed.

after being greeted by the royal family of Okasis we were lead inside and taken to a large room with a table and multupul high backed wooden chairs sat around the it. "This is our eldest son Garroth." The king introduced gesturing towards the blond boy. "pleasure" he said smiling and taking my hand and kissing it as was expected. "the pleasure is all mine" I replied with a small curtsy and a bow of my head. "And this is our second eldest Zane" the king said again as the queen nudged the boy with the black hair forward. "hello Zane" I said with another small curtsy and bow of my head. Zane was nudged by his mother once again which cause him to unfold his arms and to take my hand. he grimaced and kissed it. I gritted my teeth and looked to the side a little trying not to make to obvious my displeasure. "Princess Y/n" he said also trying to hid his displeasure. there was an almost inaudible chuckle that came from the youngest but I heard it. I was annoyed at first, thinking this to be another childish brat until it was his turn to be introduced.  "and this is our youngest son, Vylad" the king said and the boy with the brown hair, the one who unlike his brothers had green eyes stepped forward and took my hand and kissed it like the two before him did and said "It's a pleasure to meat you princess y/n" smiling. I returned his smile and replied "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Vylad." and just like I did with his brothers before him I gave a small curtsy and bowed my head. I decided that this boy wasn't too annoying, and he seams much smarter than most children his age, in fact he reminded me of myself. "As you know we are here today because y/n and Zane are to be married when they become of age." the king said. I gritted my teeth hating to hear the words out loud. Zane shifted his feet looking uncomfortable. "Yes and we are delighted to have our daughter marry your son Garte." my father said looking from me to Zane's father. "Now how about we quit all the formalities!? It's been so long!" the king roared with joy, causing some  very confused looks from the princes and myself. The queen Zianna laughed  you may not have known this because of this being your first time meting but the Ro'maeves and the L/ns have been friends for generations!" this only cause our faces to look more confused. "Then what was the point of all that?!" Zane wined throwing his arms in the air. "well you still should have been formally introduced to each other that's only right." Garte chuckled. "well that's just great" Zane mumbled no one else seamed to hear him but I did causing me to glance at him and to roll my eyes. I folded my arms as my parents, along with the king and queen of Okasis laughed. Garroth just shook his head and looked down at his feet. Zane mimicked my stance and folded his arm as well, while Vylad just stood there, still looking confused. When the laughter finally subsided Garte said, "ok now go and have your fun kids" with a wave of his hand. I unfolded my arms and began to follow Garroth with Vylad and Zane not far behind "Zane and y/n we expect you two to get along." both the kings said at once causing us to stop walking and look back at our fathers. The two kings looked at each other and laughed I rolled my eyes and turned back around as we continued to leave the room. 

(Zane x reader) The Divine Chronicles Book 1: ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now