Short Introduction

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Rin Okumura Pov
I was in class we were seeing who could become a tamer. I wasn't paying attention I stared at my paper in confusion. What was I supposed to do I bit my lip while thinking. As soon as I did that my lip broke and blood fell onto the paper. Suddenly there was a poof and everyone looked over to me. Thats when the smoke cleared and a pretty lady looked around in confusion, she looked at me and bowed and said "you have summoned me master". I looked up as Shima stated "woah how come Rin summons a hot chic." I looked at her and screamed "who the hell are you" completly ignoring Shima's comment. " My name is Athena master". I looked at her before excusing myself from class and going to Mephistos office. Athena followed me silently. We finally got there as Mephisto and Athena's eyes widened in recognition and I stood ther confused as Athena ran over and hugged Mephisto. He asked her "Athena?! What are you doing here?" She replied with " I have been summoned to be Rin Okumuras gaurdian."

"I Will Always Protect You" (Blue Exorcist) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ