Chapter 2

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James's POV

I was looking out the window and saw Daniel hugging at Beau in that tree. I always thought they had chemical between them and Baniel would be real but that never happened as the two are stright, I think.

"Faggots" I screamed. "Leave the gay stuff and return to the house." Daniel and Beau were flushed and entered the house immediately. When they were inside the house Jai said "Me, Luke and James will go to buy a new shisha because the stupid Luke broke ours. Be careful at home" he looked really angry so I took my keys and drove to downtown LA.

Skip's POV 

Ok. Beau and I were alone at that big house. I was watching TV on the couch at the living room when Beau got out from the bathroom with a towel covering only from his waist to his feet. He sat next to me and he was looking at me so hard, damn he looked so hot. Even though it was akward because I didn't know what to say or do, I felt how his gaze was penetrating on my but What did he looking? Why he was looking me that way? Whatever, I think I was in love with him since we met but I always was afraid to accept it because my dad is homophobic and he will kick me out if he found out that maybe I'm gay.

Third's POV

Beau is looking at Daniel but he's watching tv and both was blush. Just one word broke that awkward silence "Hey" said Beau while Daniel turned his head to look at his friend. "Yeah?" he answered. Then no one said anything else, just they looked each other for a couple of seconds until the bigger slowly approached the child with intentions of kissing. They close their eyes .Only a few millimeters separated the lips of these guys but Daniel moved away from Beau. "What happened?" he asked . "Nothing, I just do not want this for us ... I mean I do not want to ruin this beautiful friendship" said Skip stroking the cheek of Beau, who said "Sorry , I know this is uncomfortable but I want you to know I've always been in love w.." the Brooks boy didn't finish the sentence because that Skip came up and kissed him. It started with a little kiss on the lips and then Daniel bit Beau's lip several times. After a strong bite he introduced slowly his tongue into the mouth of his friend who did the same. It was a passionate but tender kiss . The older boy paused for a moment to kiss the young's neck, making him a kiss mark. 

The hands of Skip are in the waist of Beau and then in his ass. Without wanting the towel that covered Beau falls to the floor and he is completely naked. This naked boy is approaching to Daniel more and more until he is onto his friend's legs and then the youngest boy is standing up with the older hanged from him and they are still kissing. Skip wants to sit down on the floor to be more comfortable with him so he is thrown to the floor and Beau is up on him.

Beau's POV 

It was the best night of my life even though nothing dirty happened. I was completely crazy about Daniel, he's so beautiful when he sleeps and I just wanted to be kissing him all the time. We were on the floor and I was naked, I do not know how it happened but he was leaning on my chest so I couldn't move. I tried to get up but it didn't work because he woke up and said to me "Good morning babe" "Although it is night" I said and laughed. Then I got up and called to Luke to see where they were and he said they could not get a shisha, so would return home in 30 minutes.

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