I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted to stay there for so much longer and talk with him but I was forced to leave. I had to ask him if he was going to be here the next day, and he answered with,"I'm here every single day, see you tomorrow, Katie."
That day, I couldn't be any more thankful that my parents forced me to go to the beach. We would have never met if I didn't go there that day.

When I got back home late at night, I laid on the grass in our backyard and stared at the stars.  I was so thankful that our stars had collided with each other.

Six days later

I get off my bed as soon as my alarm went off. I go to the bathroom and put on a natural-looking makeup face and pick out the best outfit I ever owned. It took me about two hours to get ready, but it was worth it, because I looked fine as hell.
By the time my mom walks into my room, I was fully dressed and packed, "well somebody's in a good mood today!" She exclaims.
"Better than ever," I say as I push past her and walk out of the room.
I could feel her looking at me in a judgemental way, wondering what has to the daughter who never gave a crap about her looks. What happened to the daughter who loved staying indoors, and would never leave the house if she wasn't forced to. But that part of me was fading away by now. A better version of me was on it's way.
"I'm going walking!" I shout at my mom while standing on our front porch.

The walk to the beach was really long, but completely worth it. The sun's heat wasn't as bad as it was everyday and the sky was completely clear, just like Troye's eyes. I could hear the ice cream truck making its way down the road and the children's excited screams. Everything felt like it was perfect, like all the pieces of the puzzle had finally fit together. And for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in the right place, at the right time.

When I arrive at the beach, it was nearly empty. There were only a couple of souls in sight, but none of them were Troye's.
I feel disappointment take over my happiness, but before my happiness is completely gone, I feel a hand crawl up neck and cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" Troye says in a deep voice, trying to hide his obvious Australian accent. "Oh, come on enough with the jokes!" I tried so hard to sound nonchalant but completely failed. He laughs while wrapping his arm around my waist. I feel my heart jumping around my entire body, trying to find a way outside. I couldn't believe the fact that his arm was wrapped around my body. I tried to act as calmly as possible, but Troye was so much better than me at pretending.
"So tell me, how do you think about actually going into the water?" He asks.
"I completely hate it," I answer back.
He stops in his spot for a second while I continue walking, thinking he was still following, even though his arm was no longer around my waist. "Well that only makes it better," he shouts while picking my off my feet. He carries me on his back and runs towards the sea. When we're in a deeper area, he throws me and then jumps in right after me. I spend a few seconds under water, then I rush to the surface to get some air. Troye comes out a second later. "How was that, Katie?" He laughs so loud, I could see his Adam's apple jumping up and down. "damn you," I say while slapping his chest. He looks down at the spot where I hit him, then he jumps underwater. I look around for him, but I can't find him. When I start panicking, I feel someone drag me under the water. I luckily manage to take a quick breathe before going down.

Hours later, after I have completely dried myself, we go sit down on a rock that Troye found  hidden behind a large cliff.
We spend another hour talking there. I felt like I could tell him anything, even though I just met him a couple of days ago. We lost track of time while talking, because none of us bothered to see how long we've been sitting together.
We wanted to spend as much time possible with each other.

When we get back to our families, my mom walks up to us and says, "I see the two of you are really close by now," she also adds a failed attempt at a wink at the end. Before I can say anything, Troye bursts out laughing. "We aren't together in that way. We're just friends. Nothing more."
That line rings in my head "we're just friends". I felt a weird pang of sadness that I've never felt before. I just look at him and walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asks. "Somewhere else. I just need some air, alone," I turn towards him and notice that he's still standing there, "that includes you." Then I turn around and walk away.
"Katie, wha-," I cut him off immediately. "Don't call me that, we're not that close." He looked like he'd been slapped, but I didn't care that much because what he'd said before hurt me.
I start walking away again, but he didn't leave. He stuck to me like glue on paper. "Just talk to me! Please!" He shouts.
I turn around and look at him. He tried doing the puppy eyes, and that completely took away any anger I had left. "Is that what you think of us? 'Just friends'? Are you serious? Why do you play so hard to get?" I say this so calmly, that I surprise myself with how calm I was.
Troye was completely frozen to his spot. He doesn't saying anything for a few minutes. Then, when he decides to speak, he says, "but I'm not." He starts walking towards me in a fast pace and when his face is a few inches away from mine, he holds my face in his hands and swipes his thumbs across my cheeks over, and over, again. Then he says says,"I really like you, Katie, my feelings are so strong for you, I ... I've never felt this way towards anyone before and I'm scared I'll mess everything up." He stares at me with his wide, blue eyes for a few moments, then he locks his lips with mine. I couldn't imagine anything softer than them. Everything on my mind was suddenly forgotten except the taste of his lips.

It was like the perfect scene of a movie: standing infront of the sunset with the man you're falling inlove with, hands wrapped around eachother, lips locked together and the fire igniting inside you.


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