Part One: Elizabeth or Lizzie, not sure

Start from the beginning

Two :

It was after work and I was making my way to Afro Hub, a Nigerian restaurant. It was a hangout spot for my friends and I. I called the meeting today, because I actually missed these hooligans. Once I entered the restaurant my eyes met with my Congo bongo, my rock, my best friends Kamillie Jean-Pierre. Her beautiful dark gold brown skin was glistening as usual, and she had on an African printed dress. My best friend was absolutely beautiful; she had these big brown eyes and gorgeous big lips perfectly completed by a small buttoned nose. Mille was the definition of an African goddess. And Dwayne teenage sweetheart knew this, and wasted no time in marrying her a month after her graduation. She met him at church at 17 after giving her life to Christ. Millie is the most beautiful person I know inside and out. And that is also why she made the best secondary school teacher. I wish she was my history teacher; I probably would have enjoyed it more. Kamillie was the close person to me. We had been friends from year seven, when I was made to sit next to her. she turned and told me that she would become my best friend. And ever since then we have been besties. Going to the same college and even university.

'oi congo bongo' I screamed as I poked her massive afro that was packed in a up do.

'shhhhh man you're so loud, and don't you know not to touch a black girls hair' she said as she turned to hug me, the hug went on for a little longer then a normal hug would. And you would have thought we hadn't seen each other in months although I was at her house last Friday. But that was Kamillie she was a hugger.

'where is princess Catherine and professor India' I asked. This was the other half of our friendship group.

'Cathy, I mean Catherine is on her way, she was with her ladyship aka you sister' i giggled at this. 'and India aka the educated bum is leaving the library as we speak. It's your turn to take her this week. I can't have her dosing around my house like this; Kaleb is beginning to notice her aunty is a bum'. Kaleb was Millie's three year old daughter; she looked like a little dark-skinned Indian princess, due to her father's Indian Jamaican heritage.

I just laughed and on queue Catharine and India walked. It looked as though they were having yet another argument. This was the norm for them.

'You honestly need to stop calling me Cathy, I do not like it. Particularly in front of my colleagues. I DO NOT LIKE IT!!! I do not want to repeat myself India, understood' Cathy I mean Catherine yelled , I am sure if she was lighter she would have been bright red in the face.

Catharine and Jolie both Leadford girls, had this horrendous and rather annoying habit in which they used pet names like darling and sweet for everyone but refused to call anyone by their nick names, or themselves be addressed by a nick name. Examples included Kamille and not Kam, Kay (as her dear husband called her), or millie. I was to be addressed as Elizabeth and not lizzie, liz or Beth. It was always something with my sister and crazy Cathy (which her name was saved as on my phone)

'You know what, Cath-er-ine you're a bitch' India replied in a carefree manner.

'YOU ARE A BITCH' Cathy corrected her 'you would think with all that schooling you have, you would be able to speak proper English. You are bloody 25 years old and you speak like a 16 teen year old girl' she continued

'Okay ladies, please sit down. We are in public' Mille stated in her teacher mode voice. Millie was usually the one to shut them up although she was not the oldest of the group, she unexpectedly fell in the role of mother of the group.

And both girls, I mean ladies sat down.

St Lucian born India was the oldest of the group. Yet you would have never guessed it, she sofa suffered between the three of us. She was the broke rich girl. Both her parents were extremely successful lawyers and were tired of feeding her education addiction. At 26 she had a first class degree in economics, two masters' degrees; one in law and the other in psychology and now she was in her first year of a PHD in African studies. India can never make up her mind. And now her parent decided they would stop funding her and this was going to be her last degree and that she would have to find a job to survive. Because India did not want to work for the 'man', she turned to her new parents to accommodate her, myself, Kamille and Queen Catherine. Another addiction India had was sex and weed. She believed that the best way for her to express herself was through sex and this was sex all the time. As a woman she had the right to sleep with anyone she wanted and she should not be slut shamed. And she was nearly always high. Now I didn't have a problem with this. But millie and her did not agree on this at all, they would have very serious and emotional arguments on it. Millie felt there was something deeper leading her to self destruction and that India needed to be open. And India believed Mille was brain washed by the intuition called the church. India laws a Nubian Queen, with dreadlocks that reached the bottom of her back. He yellow complexion made people think she was mixed, although she was fully black. India was avenge in height but her body and face was far from avenge. She was an island beauty. She always wore bright colours and patterned head wraps. She never wore a bra or shaved her legs or arm pits. To Catherine's dismay.

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