A Video With You

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(Y/YT/N)- Your YouTuber Name
Jack called you and asked if you could be in his video for the day, and AS A AWESOME FRAND YOU ARE YOU SAID YESH (wow this imagine is going great! #notethesarcasm)
Jack setted up the camera, while I silently watch him from afar (like a stalker). When he was done he motioned me to come but I sat away from the cameras view till he introduced me.

"TOP OF THE MORNIN' T'YA LADDIES my names Jacksepticeye and TODAY is a different video than all the gaming shit!" You try to hid your laughter as you see him flying his arms everywhere "BUT! Today I have a special guest!" He turns to you "(Y/YT/N) IS HEEEEERREEE!!" You jump infront of the camera and wave "HOI" and jack laughed.

"Okay so you guys have a shit ton of suggestions for types of challenges for the both of us hah it's ALL on my phone soooo... HERE WE GO!" You chuckled as Jack threw himself in the air like confetti and was slowly sliding down the couch like a boss.

After about almost an hour of challenges you guys were finally on the last one which wasn't really a challenge it was just a bunch of dares from his fans. They were really funny and some were really crazy that you guys had to skip. You guys came upon the last dare that you read aloud...

"SepticAss says, Jack I dare you to call your crush and ask her out right now and put her on speaker"

Immediately Jack turned red as a tomato, you laughed "This will be interesting " you smiled at the camera. Although you were Jacks friend you felt a slight pain in your chest as he was dialing numbers, but as a friend you were there to support him.

Suddenly your phone started ringing in the other room, you excused yourself and ran to your phone you looked at the caller ID and it said "unknown", Feeling skeptical you answered it anyways.

"Hello?" You answered

It was Jacks voice, you walked into the room with Jack staring at you, he continued talking into the phone as if you weren't there in person.

"Y-yeah? Jack?" Your heart started beating fast "Y/N will you go out with me?" You felt your feels explode as you ran to him and hugged him "yes!"he hugged you back and smiled "thank god"

Later on that day after Jack uploaded the video your phone started exploding you felt nervous feeling that his fans won't except you and will hate you but as you opened your phone it was a different story.

Accsepticble: I have shipping them FOR YEARSSSSS
FrancisGolby: I haven't seen her YouTube acc but DAMN she's funny and hot
Taco_maniac: I KEEP DROPPING MY TACOS ㄟ(·一·ㄟ)

You smiled at the comments and Jack came over and wrapped you with his arms as he kissed your cheek.

"Hey that last comment sounds familiar" he suddenly said you looked at him while he thought for a while.

"Oh yeah from the live stream"
A/N-EYYYYYYY HAHAHA oh yeah btw for those of you who don't know there IS a way for you to put your phone number as "unknown" while dialing someone's number instead of going to your phone settings :D JUS SAYIN JUST IN CASE SOMEONE IS GONNA BE LIKE "YOU CANT DO THAT THOUGHHH" I tried it and I always prank call my friends ;)

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