Untitled Part 1

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Hinata gazed down at Naruto , her hands gently caressing his cheeks ,"Naruto-kun' she finally managed to choke out. Both Hinata and Naruto knew this was the end for him. There was nothing either of them could do to stop this. "Hinata, It's okay." With all the energy he could muster , he wrapped his hand around hers , entwining their fingers. It was getting relatively harder for him to breathe , His head was throbbing from the impact it had made with the floor earlier.Somehow , Naruto managed to pull his body upwards , wrapping his arms around Hinata. She buried her face into his shoulders.Naruto could tell she was crying , even though her sobs came out somewhat muffled.He ran his fingers down her hair , in an attempt to soothe her . " Hey, I'm not leaving you. Ill be looking after you from up there. Believe it."She suddenly broke the embrace. " I - I love you Naruto kun. " She leaned in slowly , planting a gentle but lingering kiss on his lips. Naruto could feel his eyes getting heavier , Hinata  gently lowered him to the ground.Her grip on his hands as firm as ever."I-I love you too Hinata."he mumbled before falling into an eternal slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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