A Lost Truth~ CHAPTER 2

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   A/N: For a full experience, play this song that took me forever to find so it'd match the chapter :)

     The next day I went to go find Amelia to apologize. I wanted to let her go, but I knew  it wouldn't be as easy as I'd thought. We probably couldn't be the great friends we were anymore, but as long as I was still able to see her without it being so awkward between us, I would accept it.

     I walked around the school during the juniors free period.  The outdoor halls that outlined the court yard echoed as my footsteps where the only thing to be heard. I turned my head and looked at the cherry blossom that stood as the heart of the school. It's petals swifty danced around me as the wind began to pick up speed. I looked up at the sky to find the sun was beginning to set.

     'I should probably find Amelia before it's dark and fix this.' I thought to myself.  I continued walking to find my friend Kaito skipping class playing video games, like usual. He got good grades and finished work ahead of time; so it wasn't really a problem for him. I waved to him,

     "Hey Kaito! Do you know where Amelia is?" I walked up to him. He looked up at me from his seat, his eyes blank with boredom.

     "The last time I saw her, she was heading towards the library. But I don't know if she'll still be there or not." He blew a strand of hair that fell in front of his face and returned to a slouching position.

     "Uh, thanks." I waited for him to reply but the only thing that responded was the sound of him losing his game. "I'll be going now, thank you again." I gave him a slight bow and walked away.

     The library was huge. Bigger than any school library I've ever seen in the U.K.  A two part building that had least a thousand books in there to be read. I sighed to myself,

      "I need more time, and it's definitely going to take a long time to find Ameli-" I was cut off by a sound that sounded similar to Amelia's voice. I looked around myself to see where it came from, when I heard it again; I looked around the corner. 

     "Ah! Ameli-!" I covered my mouth and turned my body to the wall so I was definitely out of sight. My breath began to pick up speed.  And my face  definitely heated up as I also began to sweat.

  'Were they....? Was that....? No..No way! That was definitely not Amelia! I must have gotten the wrong person!' I began to panic to myself.

      "Hey, did you hear that?"Amelia's voice rang out. I covered my mouth again and held my breath.

      'Maybe I was wrong! I must've just been imaging things! Maybe she was with her boyfriend and he just happens to have long hair! Kaito has long hair! So maybe I'm just-'

     "Um, excuse me, did you need something?" A girl with medium long black hair questioned me with a plain expression. Her dark brown eyes stared at me. Or rather through me as she peeked over the corner. My hands still covered my mouth and my back was still pressed against the wall. I stared at her as my eyes widened in surprised.

     "I-I-I didn't mean.... I wasn't... I um, uh. Well you see.." I was now flinging my hands in random directions. My shortness of breath didn't help either with my stuttering as I began rambling for a a few seconds. More time must have gone by then I thought, because before I knew it, Amelia mas staring at me as well.

      "Le-Leon!? Oh my god, please don't freak out!" She began to look around herself. "I was just.. it's not what it.. I'm - huh? Hey! Leon come back!"

     'I can't stand it anymore! I already caused her enough problems, so what gave me the right to give her more! And now look what I'm doing!' I thought.

     Before she said anything else I ran the opposite direction. I couldn't let her tell me what was going, that was the only was to avoid getting her in trouble. As long as I knew nothing she'd be safe, right?

     When I reached my loft, I closed the door as fast as I could and rested my back against the door to catch my breath.  My face was still hot and most likely red. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and threw my bag on the ground along with my school coat. It was now nightfall, and I was starving. I made myself a quick instant meal of ramen and then stumbled over to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the shower and took the rest of my uniform off.  When I stepped in, the water instantly wash over my body. I figured a shower would help me forget what had happened today and finally let me relax, but it only seemed to remind me off every little detail. Of how every petal of the cherry tree glowed with a pink aura. How the sunset's light casted a beautiful golden light. How I made Amelia panic. And how I saw a different side of her. I lifted my head and took a deep breath.

"Ah geez." I exhaled. The day just seemed to get worse the more it went by.

I then proceeded to rested my forehead against the wall tile.

"Are different from the person who I thought you were, ....Amelia?"

GIRLS/GIRLS/BOYSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ