Chapter 18

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Celeste reached the top of the mountain, to find the ruins restored, with people walking about, talking with elementals. The observatory that had been a pile of rubble, when she first saw it, was now standing.

It was made of white marble pillars holding up an open roof, that would make observation of the stars easy. And it was this place that she felt herself being drawn towards. The sun was beginning to set as she floated across the open temple grounds, the four elemental spirits walking at each side of her.

The chatter of the people settled down as they all turned to watch her, procession towards the observatory. Mortal and elemental alike grew silent as they turned to witness this event. Some waved, others just stood grinning from ear to ear. It felt strange to have so many eyes watching her. Celeste had never been the center of so much attention, that she could recall.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" She quietly asked Aeyr.

"They are looking at you because you are a hero. You have restored their home. Because of your sacrifices, they have a future again." Aeyr gestured expansively to indicate all that could be seen.

"Did I succeed in saving my home too?" Celeste remembered the original reason that she and her friends had come here.

"Of course you did. When you restored this place, you restored all realms that touch it. But do not believe that your work is done. It has only begun. It is up to you and others like you, to maintain the gifts that the Divinities have given all of us." They were almost to the observatory now.

"Will you all be coming with me?" Celeste realized that she would miss the elementals.

"We will always be with you. But you will not be able to speak with us, as you are now. It is only in holy places like this, that such a thing is possible." They were moving up the steps of the observatory now. That strange pressure that Celeste felt, was becoming a pulsing sensation. It wouldn't be much longer now.

"Will I remember everything that has happened here?" Celeste had so many questions, but she knew that this would be her last, before it began.

"You will remember your time here. That is Her gift to you, for making Her return possible." All of the elementals spoke in unison this time as they stepped into the observatory and gestured towards the sky.

As Celeste was pulled to the center of the structure, she looked up to see The Dragon's Star, directly overhead. Just below it, floating above the temple, was an incorporeal glowing, metallic white dragon.

"Your mortal coil, awaits your return. Mine has yet to be made. You, Master of the Elements must create it for me." The dragon's voice vibrated through Celeste and down into the floor of the observatory. "You awakened me, now you must finish the ritual, so that I may be born."

Images of the ritual that she had been a part of, in another observatory, in another time filled Celeste's mind. She looked down to see that she stood on a brilliantly glowing rune, in the center of a set of twelve concentric circles. As she looked outward, she saw each of her elemental friends standing on there own runes, on every third ring. First there was Eayrth, closest to Celeste. Next was Watyr then Aeyr and last and farthest from Celeste, was Fyer.

She now understood how important each element was to life itself. First, there must be earth, from which to mold the vessel for the soul. As she thought this, the rings out to Eayrth, lit up with an emerald green light.

Next there must be water, to carry life's essence throughout the earthen shell and to soften Eayrth, so that it was more easily molded. Watyr's rings lit up, glowing sapphire blue.

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