Suzuno Fuusuke

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Okay, this is the start of the 2016:Special Edition. Basically, it may have no difference with the other one-shots.
And yeahhhh.....


You've been warned.

Ohh!! And the video! It doesn't belong to me, I belongs to Daniel Jang. Yes!

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Inazuma Eleven Original Character only belongs to Level-5

[F/N]= First Name

[L/N]= Last Name

[S/N]= Stage Name

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(2016:Special Edition)

Risky Prise.

"Oh! It's starting!", Hiroto excitedly said and took out his camera, starting to take photos.

The circus shows was alright. Some are normal and some are exotic.

Suzuno wasn't paying enough attention to the show until.....

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The next show will present by [S/N], the human dove!", A huge rounf of applause was given as she went out to the show area.

"Wow! She's beautiful", Hiroto already snap tons of photos and the current memory card was full.

He brought another memory card just in case.

Whispers can be heard from many people.

Suzuno's attention was caught by your physical appearence.

Your huge wings spread wide open, your features acts like a dress that matches with your white updo hair and your icy white eyes. Her skin was as pale as snow.

Your physical appearence made people thought that you were frozen for years.

As you were there standing, everyone seems to haven't notice the violin you were holding.

"She will be playing the violin on the rope up there as (Name), throw fired knife at her. Thrilling!, isn't it!!",

"Yay! Trilling", Suzuno sarcasticly cheered.

"Anytime you're ready, [S/N]", You nodded and flapped your wings and landed on the rope.

You nodded at (Name) for signal, as he began to light up the knife.

(A/N: You guys can play the video while reading this.. for me, it makes sense, yes. Don't scroll so fast. I don't know how to set the timing right ._.") (You don't have to do it though)

As you began to play, (Name) started throwing knifes at you.

You managed to dodged every single knife, he have thrown.

Then you thought, 'If I got stabbed by these knifes, will I get yelled?',

The way you play the violin makes everyone feel calm, and it looks like your dancing on a rope while playing the violin.

'Who will yell at me first? (Name) or Boss? I bet (Name) will yell at me first'

You closed your eyes to connect yourself with the sound.

'Impressing everyone isn't always easy'.

You played it so passinately.

'Why am I even here?'

Everyone including Suzuno was amazed.

(Name) was about to ran out of knifes but your song haven't finish yet.

'Can't I be free?'

The last knife he threw, You leaned behind and started falling.

You opened your wings and landed safely.

Around of applause was given to you.

You bowed down and returned.

"That was amazing!", Hiroto cheered.

"Yeah. Amazing", Suzuno said, smiling a bit.

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Well...... I don't know what to say... I don't know what you readers gonna say.... ._. I tried...

Ughh! Whatever *cried to Sekushina-senpai*

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