Sometimes it might seem a lot worse with Zane here, it makes me sound crazy, but until you’ve lived with him, you wouldn’t understand. It’s like these little mood swings (yes, I’m going to try and explain this), he would simply go over to something he’s obsessed with doing, the next minute, he won’t stop. It takes you a while to get him out of that loop. Sometimes he might be able to ask you if you could help him with something, or simply just come and see whatever it was that he was doing.

Have I confused anyone? Well, like I said, it’s pretty unexplainable.   

He smiled “Does that mean she’s coming back?!”

I frowned. This fight wasn’t only affecting John, Chasity, and I, but I was affecting everyone around the three of us. It’s probably effecting Garrett in some way (since it always seems to go around to him)*, then it might affect Kenny, and so on “No.”

I expected Zane to lower his head, and walk away at this, but instead he just stared at me.

This is where I wait for him to start throwing things, and start getting all worked up, since things aren’t going his way.

It seemed like he was fighting with himself inside, or at least really thinking about something.

“Zane,” I said “please don’t go off on me.”

To this he replied “I won’t.”

Since when did he not freak out on me?

“Chasity told me not too,” He finished.

I hadn’t known he wasn’t done talking.

So he listens to her, man, she really is good with kids. 


 John's Perspective:

It’s amazing how fast girls can turn on you. Yes, it’s true, I don’t know everything about Alayna, I haven’t heard any tragic back-stories, yeah, I’ve heard a few things about her brother, and how it’s pretty much hell living with him, and how she thinks she should have been a more responsible. Chasity really came in at the wrong time. If she had given Alayna a few more minutes, she probably would have seen that she was wrong. (I’m not saying I’m taking Chasity’s side here, I said that if she would have came in a little later… ugh, never mind.)

There was nothing I wanted more than to be looped out of this stupid fight. I know what it’s about, and I know that Chasity is low on sleep, but that doesn’t mean they can’t talk it out, like all the girls do, unless they’re one of those girls who drag in their sorry-ass friends who just so happens to always be a dude (who I’m sure want to kill themselves afterward, I mean I would), even if that is the circumstance here.

Chasity needs to apologize to Alayna, and Alayna needs to apologize to Chasity (f**k do you see what happens when I spend too much time with girls?!!)

In other words, it just means that I just might have to pick one. Which is extremely hard, they both have recently gone through various s**t.

Chasity’s is more recent, and she lives in my house (temporarily). Alayna…


So I guess that really means I have to choose Chasity. For the time being at least. Nonetheless, Chasity is amazing, Alayna is the unknown.

Helping Alayna with this book thing really hasn’t gotten me to get to know her anymore than I had, and that was nothing other than the fact that Agnes… well…

Yes, we had been around when Garrett was unconscious at Pat’s house for like a week, and honestly forgot anything that had occurred there, other than the cupcakes and the kiss, and Alayna crying in my arms.

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