Yes. Thank you.

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Ladies and Gentlemen I give you an upstanding woman who embodies what exactly Wattpad used to be, and should be.


If you aren't following this genius than WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICKETY FRACK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

I recently started reading pretty much all of her stuff, and I have to say, I'm a big fan. She may not have the best grammar 24/7 BUT NONE OF US DO EITHER.

Her plot lines are great(if you ignore the dais ex machina but that just has to happen in writing sometimes).

Her advice book is called something like "How to be a success on Wattpad". It's great and inspiring.

Half of it is satire and sarcasm, and the other half is legitimate advice. Then there's that 12% of it where she talks about how Wattpad is kinda shitty at this point. AND SHES TOTALLY FUCKING CORRECT.

(Sorry for the language Cap)

She makes a crap ton of important points in that book, detailing mistakes that I've made, and now realize that they're fucking ridiculous. I'd like to say a legit thank you to her for keeping that book up because it has in all seriousness opened my eyes to a few things that I can use to improve my writing.


Did you have a seizure reading that mess of upper and lowercase? Cuz I did.

I'm thinking about writing an original book that isn't fanfiction. I know, SHOCKER. But seriously would anyone be interested I that?

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