Chapter 21: The Man Who Knew Too Much

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All I remember is feeling a burning pain in my head and then the next thing I know I'm being woken up by cops in the middle of the night and they are trying to take me somewhere so I did what my instinct said and then started running. I turn a corner and I can hear the sirens behind me. I see a door and run to it, trying to open it but it's locked. There's a gate a bit father ahead that I kick open and hide behind the wall as a police car goes by. When it's gone, I go back to a door that has a 'Delivery entrance only' sign above it, this one is open. The door leads to a bar.
"Hey, we're closed." A woman says.
"Just, uh, just give me a second." I say. I go to the window that has blinds covering it.
"So pal, we open at noon."
"Look, you don't understand." The cop car passes the window, making me move away from it.
"Okay, I-I think I understand just find. Look, I-I don't need this kind of hassle. So seriously, just get the hell out."
"Please. Please, just give me a minute to think, that's all. Then I'm out of your hair." I watch as she grabs a baseball bat from behind the counter. "One minute. Please."  She puts the bat down.
"Well, my name's Robin, what's yours?" She asks.
"I don't know." I say.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I mean I don't remember. I don't remember anything."
"Come on, you're dickin' with me. Nothing?"
"I'm telling you. Blank slate." She pours me a drink of water.
"Well, you got a wallet? ID?"
"I wish I did."
"Okay, well what's the last thing you remember?"
"Um, I woke up on a park bench, cops shoving a flashlight in my face, trying to take me in."
"So you ran."
"No, I, um, knocked them out cold. Both of them. No, look, I didn't mean to. It just happened really fast, you know, I think instinct or something. I guess." I say.
"Some instinct.
"Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, who even knows how to do something like that?"
"We'll get you to the ER. The quacks will has it out."
"No." I say.
"Try 'yeah'. Look the bats have flown the belfry, you need to see a doctor." She says referring to my pregnant belly.
"No. I don't have time."
"Time for what?"
"Look, it's hard to explain. I just feel like I have to be somewhere. There's something I gotta stop."
"Oh, like a wedding? A train?"
"No, something important. Something like life or death, like-"
"Okay, hey, hey, hey. Just relax, you know, you - you can't poop it out, so just... It'll come to you." She says. I nod my head. There's a bookshelf behind the bar. I go see it and pick out a book. The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft. "What is it?" I show her the book. "You a horror fan?"
"Yeah, um, I think so. I really think so. Something about this..."
I get a head ache and visions...? Or memories... of talking to an older man with a beard and a trucker cap... he looks so familiar. A guy that's actually super attractive standing outside of a hospital. A little kid sitting in a car. Me, stabbing someone with black eyes. A British guy that seems really cocky.  A hotel called the Nite Owl. By the time these flashbacks are done I'm slumped over and gasping.
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Seriously, we are taking you to a doctor."
"Have you got a computer?" I ask.
"What?" She asks.
"I need a computer." She takes out her laptop. I search the Nite Owl to find where it is. "That's it. It exists. Look, two towns over." I turn the computer so it's facing her.
"What, you think you're staying in this dump?"
"Oh, maybe you're a hooker
"I guess I'll find out." I say with a chuckle. "Look, um, I don't know how to say, uh, thanks for everything."
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I'll be fine."
"Says the pregnant head case that just slumped over a minute ago. Look, is there any way I can convince you to go to a hospital?"
"No. Apparently, I'm stubborn."
"Oh. So am I. I'm driving."
"Look, that's really nice of you, but not necessary." I say.
"Really? Okay, look, your eggs are scrambled."
"But nothing."
"No, I mean I'm just some girl. I could be anybody. You gotta be nuts."
"I've been called that. Look, if I let you go off alone, I won't be able to sleep at night. And, honestly, I'm dying to know how it all turns out."
"Well, okay then. Let's go." We walk to her car. She drives us to the Nite Owl hotel.

"So, uh, where do we start?" She asks.
"Uh, ground floor corner room, nearest to the fire escape. That's the one I'd pick, quickest getaway." I say.
"And why do you know that?"
"I just do." We walk into the hotel and go to the room I suggested. We get to room number 107. I knock on the door. No answer. I try to open it. But it's locked. "Hey, you got a credit card?" I ask.
"Uh, why are uh, checking in?"
"Sort of." She hands me her card and I'm able to pick the lock with it. There's papers all over the walls, newspaper articles and maps everywhere. Stuff all about murders.
"Dude... who are you?"
"Good question."
"This all yours?"
"I don't know. I guess."
"Well, I love what you've done with the place. It's very 'Beautiful Mind' meets 'Se7en'. Sorry, I talk when I'm nervous." She picks up an ID from the table. "Hey, well I guess we know your name. Nice to meet you, Jamie Page." She leafs through the other fake IDs. "And uh, Nelly Peart, and Andrea Young." She chuckles nervously. "Okay, listen no offence but I'm - I'm really starting to freak out."
"You and me both." I say. There a newspaper article about a missing Professor from SFU. I recognize the Professor, she's an older woman but I don't know where she's from.  And I get another flashback?

"Where is she?" The attractive guy asked.
"She said to meet her here. I'll try her again." The older man said as he took out his cellphone and dialed a number. We heard a cellphone ringing from nearby and followed the sound. The woman, the professor, was on the ground next to a dumpster. She was hurt. The old man knelt down in front of her. Me, the attractive guy, and a tall guy are were standing behind him.
"El?" The old man asked.
"Hey, I guess I could've used your help after all." The woman said.
"Just be still."
"What happened?" The tall guy asked.
"They took me. I got away." She opened her coat. Her shirt was soaked with blood around her stomach area.
"Oh Ellie, what have they done to you?" The old guy asked.
"Everything. The demon I could've handled, but when the angel stepped in, I told him, Bobby. They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open."
"Tell me. I need to know." The old man, Bobby, asked.
"They need virgin blood. That's a milk run for them. And they need the blood of a Purgatory native and well, they've got plenty of that now." Ellie said.
"Have they opened it yet?" The attractive man asked.
"Tomorrow. The moon and an eclipse. I'm sorry, Bobby."
"No, it's okay. It's okay." Bobby said.
"I'm really sorry."
"Tell us where they are?" She slumped and we got no other response from him. "El?" Bobby closed her eyes. A guy in a trench coat appeared behind us. I can remember that.
"I'm sorry this had to happen." He said. Bobby stood up. "Crowley got carried away."
"Yeah, I bet it was all Crowley you son of a bitch!" Bobby said, he started to go after the trench coated guy but the other two guys stopped him.
"You don't even see it do you? How totally off the rails you are!" I said.
"Enough! I don't care what you think. I've tried to make you understand. You won't listen. So let me make this simple. Please, go home and let me stop Raphael. I won't ask again." Trench coat said.
"Well, good, because I already think you know the answer." The attractive one said.
"I wish it hadn't come to this. Well, rest assured when this is all over, I will save Ash, but only if you stand down."
"Save them from what?" Trench coat disappeared from in front of us, and then I could feel two fingers pressed against the side of my head.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" Robin asks.
"Ashlee. My name is Ashlee." I say. I get up and go into the bathroom. I splash water on my face from the sink.
"So, uh, what do you remember?"
"Well, it might sound pretty strange if I said it aloud." I dry my face with a towel.
"Oh, it couldn't get any stranger."
"Yeah. Don't be so sure. Look, I don't know, I mean it's all pretty spotty, you know? I just remember I was with, uh 3 guys. One was a, like a male model type, another was a tall guy, like Sasquatch height, and the last guy was older named, uh, Bobby." I pick up an address book from one of the tables and look through it.
"Okay. What are you looking for?"
"Here. Bobby Singer. That has to be it." I find his name.
"Is there a phone number?"
"No, just an address. Sioux Falls, South Dakota."
"South Dakota. Okay, uh, listen, Ashlee. Ashlee, right?"
"Yeah." I say.
"Look, I'm really sorry, but this is where I get off."
"Oh, no, of course. No problem."
"Okay, well how are you going to get there?" I notice a set of keys on a table and grab them.
"I guess I'll take my car." I say. We walk out of the hotel and I see an impala. "That's mine." I point to it.
"Are you sure?"
"Oh yeah."
"Look, Ashlee I don't feel right about you going off like this."
"Oh, look, don't worry. You've done way too much for me already." I say.
"That's not what I mean. What I mean is uh... I've got a bad feeling you know, with those IDs and that shady-ass hotel room. Whatever you're looking for, you might not like what you find."
"What other choice do I have?" I hear a gun cock.
"You could stick around here a little longer, I mean get your head straight instead of going off, flying blind into..." Someone shoots at us, making me knock Robin to the ground, the bullet hits the window of the car. "What the hell was that?"
"Stay down." I stand up to try to get a look at the shooter. I can't tell who it is.
"Ash! Ashlee!" I hear Robin calling me.


"Ashlee? Come on, snap out of it." She's unconscious. I've asked Alex to help but she can't do anything because she's like locked from her heavenly powers.
"Anything?" Bobby asks.
"I can't just sit here Bobby. I've got to help her."
"Dean." Sam says.
"You know, dreamscape her noggin. Something."
"You know what Cas did. The dam inside your girlfriend's head is gone and all hell's spilling loose. We don't know what's going on inside." Bobby says.
"I don't care. We have got to do something!" I yell.
"And we will, but right now we got sixteen hours till they pop Purgatory. I'm down soldier. I can't afford to be down two."
"Yeah, and how's that going, huh? We've got no line on Crowley. We got no line on Cas. Balthazar's MIA. I mean, all we've got is Ash going through whatever the hell this is!" Bobby offers me a glass of whiskey. I take it.
"You know, this is exactly what Cas wants. For you to fall to pieces. Just try to think of what Ash would want." Sam says.
"Find Cas. Find him now."


We get in the car and start driving.
"Do you smell whiskey?" I ask.
"Okay, Ash, would you focus?" Robin asks.
"Yeah. Sorry."
"Okay, so who shot at us?"
"I didn't really get a good look."
"Okay, so we gotta go get the cops."

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