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DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters they are property of Eiichiro Oda

Turning to Killer "I need to go after him" killer sighing realizing you still love Kid. Upset he'll never have you, breaking his heart more watching you leave. Overcome with jealousy "he best not hurt you again" a sinister aura coming from him turning round looking at killer "did you say something?" Killer smiling sweetly "nothing."

Running out the room no evidence of Kid, no signs of damage. Walking around clueless to where he could be. Coming to a door with a small circular window peering in, spotting the guy from earlier debating on weather to apologize or not. Coming to the conclusion it's for the better, walking in to what appears to be a kitchen diner. He instantly rises paying no attention to your attempt to say sorry. Dumping his Washing up in the sink walking out, noticing another guy he looks confused as you pull a chair out "do you know where Kid is?" Frowning at your lack of respect "it's captain," smiling repeating the question "do you know where Captain is?"
"have you tired the workshop?" looking gone out "there's a workshop onboard." Slurping the last of his noodle cup "I'll help you look for him" thankful as you have a terrible sense of direction.

Following him out trying to remember 'landmarks' so you won't get lost. Looking around noticing you had lost your guide coming across a door slightly open hearing Kid's voice. Walking in Kid giving you a skeptical look "could we have a minute you ask" Kid dismissing your guide. "I'm sorry for what I said" lowering you head. Kid rubbing the back of his head "it's cool, I'm sorry too I guess" an awkward silence falling in. Kid going back to his work with you snooping around. Catching a glimpse of Kid working on something small, curious to see what exactly he was doing, looking over his shoulder. A smile creeping on his face, he loved it when you watched him and even more when you praised him and his work. Growing bored pulling a stool up silently watching him work knowing better to disturb Kid seeing him smile. "it's almost done" he says looking at you, smiling back in response. Another five minutes and he walks over to you "close your eyes and hold your hand out." Kid being one for small romantic gestures. Doing as he asked, Kid places it in your hand curling you fingers up. kissing you sweetly completely loosing yourself making up for lost time. Kid pulls away both gasping for air embracing him. Looking down at your hand seeing a ring grinning excited about your gift tears streaming. Kid takes it from you and places it on your wedding finger not needing to ask you as he already knows the answer you hug him tightly. Kid couldn't help himself ruining the mood "see girls cry too much," annoyed you playfully punch him. Wiping your tears away cupping you chin "will you sail with me and maybe get married." laughing at his proposal adding to it "and have children" Kid smirking into a kiss "we'll see what happens."

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