Up North

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Within the hour Laura was driving up Finchley Road, heading towards the M1. She had been given the all clear by the doctor, everything was more or less back to normal. It felt strange to be behind the wheel again, not that she used the car often in central London, there was very little need. But now the motorway lay ahead of her with all she wanted to see at the end.

Laura pressed the hands free and called Ricky. The voice that answered wasn't who she had expected.

"Hello," the Yorkshire accent was strong. Laura checked the display screen, it said Ricky, it was the right number.

"Er, sorry, I was trying to contact Ricky," she said, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Sorry love, he's nipped down into town to get summat to eat. He'll be back any minute though." Laura didn't have a clue who was giving her this information but she thanked him anyway.

"Is that Laura?" he asked, just as she was about to say goodbye.

"Yes it is, I just wanted to let Ricky know I was on my way."

"Oh hang on," the phone went muffled as if a hand was over the microphone. Laura could make out the person she was speaking to telling someone to tell Ricky his 'bird' was on the phone. "Just a minute love, I think he's back," muffled shouting this this time. Then the speaker was back. "What's that, you think Ricky is a fookin jessy and..." There was a scuffle on the other end of the phone.

"Laura?" She heard laughter and someone being told in no uncertain terms where they should go. "Hi, sorry about that." She was happy to hear his voice again.

Laura could hear jeering and laughter subside and the noise of a door shutting. "It's OK. I can imagine what a group of blokes together is like."

"Are you on your way?" Ricky could hear she was on handsfree.

"Yep, just coming up to Edgware."

"You'll be here around 7 I guess then." She could hear in his voice how pleased he was.

"When you say here... where are you exactly?" Laura had realised as she had set off and looked at her satnav that she didn't know exactly where she was heading.

"I'll text you the postcode, we're just outside Leeds," he explained.

"I'll stop at a service station for a break later, I'll put it in the satnav then. You'll still be there I'm guessing ?"

She heard him laugh, "Of course we'll still be here. I might hide..."

"You better not," she paused, "They don't mind me coming do they?"

"Laura! We'll be here an hour or so, then we'll be finished and off home. Of course they don't mind. Simon's girlfriend is about somewhere. Whitey's uncle was about earlier!"

"Ok, I get the message," she was still unsure but she gave up.

"Drive carefully and I'll see you in a few hours."

Laura had turned off the motorway, following the directions being given to her from the voice on her dashboard. Coming to a roundabout and taking the second exit, she began to head down in to the town. On being told to take the next right, Laura became confused as she made her way along a street of two up, two down houses. Looking from one side to the other, she decided she must have gone wrong. At the end of the street, however, was a building that looked like a warehouse, with a few cars parked outside. She pulled up next to one of them. It was dark, she didn't really fancy walking around not knowing if she was in the right place. She looked up at the building through the windscreen. There was a window, a light was on in the room. A person appeared at the window, someone in a baseball cap. He seemed to turn away to say something before looking out again, pointing down at Laura's car. Ricky appeared next to him. Then disappeared again. A moment later, he was walking towards the car as Laura was climbing out.

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