Something Special

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After an early night on Saturday and an early rise on Sunday, Laura felt ready for the day ahead. She decided to walk down to the station, spending that time going through the show and exactly how it would plan out. She hoped Ricky wouldn't be late. But on reaching the station at just after 8 o'clock, she was astonished to see he was already in the office.

"Morning!" Laura near enough sang her greeting. Her enthusiasm was evident.

"Morning.. " Ricky's response wasn't quite as enthusiastic. He was sat on a desk, legs tucked up under his chin.

"What's up? As she leant on the desk next to him, he dropped his knees and shrugged. "You're nervous aren't you?" Laura leant in to him, nugding him with her body.

"I'm worried I won't know what to say. Radio silence, dead air. Not a good thing on radio."

"Ricky, you're quite capable of holding a conversation. You're worrying too much. Just talk about what you know like we discussed last week. You'll be alright."

He stood up and began jogging from one foot to the other. He began to smile. "Talk to me, " he said, " How was Coldplay?"

It was Laura's turn for dead air. 'Don't mention Chris! ' Laura told herself.

"They were great, "she managed to say. "Really good. "

"What about afterwards. I bet it was a nightmare getting home. "

"Yes I had to... " she began.

"Laura?" Matt had shouted across the office. With a sense of relief Laura didn't have to continue and she left Ricky to brood whilst she went to speak to Matt.

Yes, he has been nervous. Yes, it had showed. Barely any words spoken until after the fifth song he'd got in to the swing of things. But luckily 3 hours had flown by, without many hitches. To say Ricky was relieved to have the first one under his belt was an understatement. He was ready to celebrate.

"Matt, you'll come across the road for a drink. " Ricky was gigging from side to side again overwhelmed with excitement.

"Sorry man, I'm going to my mum's for dinner. "Matt sounded embarrassed by this revelation.

"Now Matt that is not very rock and roll is it!" He saw Clare who had read the news walk by the window. He tapped on the glass and gestured having a drink. Clare tapped her watch apologetically and pointed in the opposite direction. Laura was trying to hurry everyone out of the room to allow the next programme to start.

"You'll come for a drink won't you Laura." He held the door open for her.

"No sorry, " she teased. "I've got to... " Laura didn't finish. The look of disappointment on his face was too much. She began to laugh. "I'm sorry, yes of course I'll go for a drink." Ricky curled his bottom lip down. Laura apologised again.

"That's ok. You can pay!" He smiled at her.

"I'll get my coat and meet you outside." Laura disappeared up the stairs.

As she got to the entrance, Laura could see a commotion going on outside. There seemed to be a high number of young girls and women surrounding someone and it didn't take Laura three guesses who. She held back for a moment watching through the glass. He was so animated, posing for photos, signing merchandise, signing...what was that woman getting him to sign? There were so many pretty girls. He really could have his pick. Chris had said 'he liked her'. What did he mean? Laura thought she liked tons of men. Didn't mean she wanted to be with any of them.

Laura watched one of the girls kiss him. Taking her chance in a lifetime. She'd never have had the bottle to do that. It just wasn't her, not to a complete stranger. Ricky wasn't a complete stranger to her now though.

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