While they traveled through the land of fire, Jiraiya had decided to travel to the Fire Temple and stay for two weeks during the last month. There, the pair met Chiriku, a member of the Twelve Ninja Guardians of the Land of Fire who they both came to respect, and a boy named Sora. The boy was rude, mocked them and generally acted like a jerk, even to the other monks. Naruto and Fu didn't get along with him at first to the point where Naruto got into several fights with him, until they noticed he was this way because he was treated almost the same way they were in their villages by the other monks. The only one who treated him differently was Chiriku. They asked the man why Sora was shunned like that and he only told them it was something his father did and because of unique powers he had. After this, the two made it a mission to befriend the boy and, although he rejected their attempts at first, they eventually told him of their pasts. After this, he decided to give them a chance and they eventually became friends. It also helped that they could sympathize with the fact that Sora lost his father when he was too young to remember him. He even taught Naruto one of two unique, powerful wind jutsu he created, in exchange for some techniques Naruto knew.

The pair of Jinchuriki had also grown closer over this time, though the amount of time they spent training had limited their time together. Two and a half years had passed since Naruto left with Jiraiya, today was the day for their return to Konoha. Naruto was anxious to see his old home. Fu was excited though there was slight apprehension. There was part of her that was afraid she would be treated like she was back in Taki, despite Naruto's reassurances.

Naruto sat up and heard a light moan beside him, turning his head, he saw Fu's orange eyes looking up at him.

"Morning already?" Fu asked drowsily as she sat up and stretched.

"Yeah, today's the day we finally get back to Konoha. Ready Fu?"

"I guess." Fu replied.

"You're not still worried are you?"

"Sorry... it's just... after all this time; I don't want to go back to what it was like in Taki."

"Hey, we talked about this, didn't we? It won't be the same as Taki, because no matter what they think, I'll be with you." Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, who smiled and returned the hug.

"Thank you, Naruto. For everything."

"Hey, you two." Jiraiya said, interrupting the pair. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's about time we head out, get ready."

"You got it, Pervy Sage." Naruto said as he and Fu got up. Jiraiya sighed.

"Are you two ever going to stop calling me those names?"

"Only if you stop peeking on women, Ero-sensei." Fu said with a smirk.

"Tch, whatever, get yourselves ready."

It was a beautiful day in Konoha, the sun shining down on the village as the trio walked through the front gates. Naruto now stood at 5'5 and Fu at 5'4. In addition to the black and orange tracksuit, Naruto now wore a black forehead protector and a red, short sleeved coat with black flame designs that had been a gift from Jiraiya (A/N Same coat from when he fought Pain. What can I say, I thought it was badass and decided I would make it a permanent part of his outfit).

"So, this is Konoha? You were right, the Hokage monument's something else." Fu noted as she looked around, to be honest, she liked the look of Taki better, but Konoha still seemed like a nice place to live.

"You nervous, Fu?"

"A little... it's my first day in my new home."

"Don't be, everything will be fine." Naruto said as he looked around. "I can't believe it's been two and a half years ." the blond said before jumping up and running up the side of a power pole to the top, he spread his arms wide as he stood on the pole and took in the sight of his home for the first time in almost three years. "I missed this place. It hasn't changed a bit."

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