A Lucky Surprise

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I hold George in my arms rocking him back and forth as he sleeps. I look out of our glass wall in Emmett and I's room. It's dark outside but I can see everything perfectly and clearly. It's around 10:30pm. Emmett, Jasper and Edward are hunting still and should probably be gone all night. I wouldn't be surprised.
Emmalie's with Bella and Renesmee at their cottage for a sleepover. Esme and Carlisle are in their room. Alice is in the office working on some fashion designs.
I change my view from outside to George. His bottom lip starts to quiver and his tiny eyebrows knot together. His eyes open for a few short seconds as he sighs, then he falls back asleep. I quietly laugh. Then I hear something outside, rustling almost. Then laughter fills the forest. Not just any laughter but booming laughter. I can tell it's Emmett and the boys.
I place George down in his cot and tuck him in so he's nice and cozy. Then I race out the room and down the stairs. I open the front door than stand there waiting for Emmett to come to the door. Soon enough he comes into view and races over and vampire speed. Jasper speeds beside him but Edward speeds the other way to the cottage. Jasper smiles and I smile back, then he walks into the house to probably see Alice.
"Hey." Emmett mutters, pulling me into his arms.
"Hi. Did you have fun?" I ask.
"Yep." He tangles our fingers together.
"Good." I peck him quickly on the lips.
I twirl around leading him back into the house.
"Wait!" He almost yells.
I turn around with a confused look on my face. I pause, standing still.
"Why? What's up?" I ask.
"I just want to show you something." He smiles.
"Okay...." I say suspiciously.
Emmett leads me with his hand the opposite direction, away from the house. We walk along the path to Bella and Edwards cottage. Why would he be taking me there?
"Are we going to Bella and Edwards?" I question.
"You'll see." Is all he replies with.
I sigh, rolling my eyes. He's surprising me with something. I like surprises but I'm also a little bit of a control freak so surprises give me the tiniest bit of anxiety. Not enough to make me stop liking them though.
Emmett leads me away from the path of Edward and Bella's house. We head north of the cottage. We walk for a bit.
"You know I left George in his cot. I thought I was quickly going down stairs to say hi to you." I stop walking in a panic, "maybe we should go back."
I turn my body around and begin to walk back but Emmett's hand stops me from moving any further. He twirls me back around to face him.
"George is fine, trust me. Don't worry." He assures me.
"I don't know he's just a baby." I argue.
"Trust me." Emmett repeats himself.
I roll my eyes like I did before. Emmett lets out a chuckle.
"Come on." He tugs me along.
We continue to walk for a bit until Emmett stops.
"What is it?" I ask.
He puts his hands over my eyes with out saying anything, just smiling.
"Oh gosh." I whisper under my breath.
"You're going to love it Rosalie!" He chimes.
This must be serious because he used my full name and not my nickname.
We walk a few paces and then we stop. I can't see anything thanks to Emmett but he turns me to the left. His hands lay over my eyes still as he talks,
"Okay so you know how when Emmalie you talked about getting our own place sometime?" He asks.
"Well we never really had enough time to build a house or even think about one since all of the distractions we went through."
"Did you get us a house?" I question with a smile.
Emmett lifted his hands up away from my eyes and my eyes landed something beautiful. A big two story, white modern day looking house. It is perfect.
"Emmy I love it!" I throw my arms around him.
"I knew you would." He smirks.
I study the outside features from it's white walls with big glass windows to the cream, stone patio. I walk towards the beautifully carved, wooden double doors and lay my hand on the door knob. I twist it, pulling it open and see my first insight to this stunning home that's now mine. I can't keep the grin off my face. I walk in feeling Emmett's presence following behind me. The lights are already turned on and furniture is already in place. Esme must have been the interior designer.
"Esme picked out the furniture." Emmett says, it's like he read my mind.
The house is very open and a large space separates the front door to the kitchen on the left and what looked like a entertainment area, on the right. I walk forward to find the dinning room behind the kitchen on the left side of the house. On the right is a door. I quickly open it peaking in to see a theatre room. I close the door then my eyes lay on a glass wall like back at the main house, that makes the back wall up. There is another large space with couches and a TV, with a coffee table in between the dinning room and the glass wall. There is a door leading out towards the backyard where the kids can play. Instead of the forest starting again after the backyard like at the main house, it is the creek. I smile then notice stairs leading up to the second floor on the left side. I race up them. First there is a play area to the left. Emmalie's dolls already sat there and her doll house. New toys for George also are packed here. They will love it.
To the right is another door. I open it up to see a large bedroom. In it is a white double bed with pink covers. Above the bed is pink letters in cursive hand writing, that reads 'Emmalie'. This is obviously Emmalie's room. Her room has a white desk with a chair and a lamp and a glass wall, looking outside. She has a walk in wardrobe and her own tiny bathroom. She'll use her bathroom more often when she becomes a teenager. It is a perfect room for her.
"Emmalie will love her room." I say.
"Yeah she will." Emmett agrees from behind me.
I close her door and walk along the hallway. I reach the end seeing three doors all around me. I open up the one to my left. Inside is what looks like George's room. It has the same set up as Emmalie's except for a blue theme. There are letters above his bed reading 'George' but this time it's not in cursive. He also has a desk, bathroom and walk in wardrobe. His back wall is also glass, looking out into the forest. I close the door behind me. Their rooms are perfect.
I open up the one on my right. It is a plain room with a double bed and an average sliding wardrobe.
"That's a spare room." Emmett says.
I nod my head closing the door. Then the last door I open up. Inside is a massive bedroom with a King sized double bed. There is heaps of living area. The back wall is glass like the children's room. I walk into the room and see a photo on a canvas, hanging up with Emmett and I on our wedding day. This must be our room.
I can't keep the grin off my face. I walk around the large living space and see two separate doors on the right. I open up the one on the left and see a medium size bathroom with a large shower. It's design is gorgeous. I close the door then opening the one on the right. It is a massive walk in wardrobe. One side for me and one for Emmett. Already clothing was in place.
I turn back to Emmett as I've now finished exploring our new house.
"It's beautiful!" I throw my arms around his, "thank you so, so much Emmy-bear. I love it."
"I knew you would."
We took Emmalie and George to have a look at the house this morning. They love it. The rest of the family also had a look today. We are settled in and staying here tonight and well, forever. Thanks to Esme we didn't have to move anything, everything is already done. I thanked her today for that.
It's now around 8:30 at night. I rock George in my arms as he drifts off to sleep. We're in Emmett and I's room. I watch his eyes slowly close. Emmett is downstairs with Emmalie. I think he's watching a movie with her. I'll put her to bed soon. I hear George's heart beat slow at a relaxed pace. He's fallen asleep.
I walk back to his room and place him in his cot. we moved his cot from the main house into his new room today. The cot sits beside his bed for when he's older.
He looks comfortable and sound asleep.
I should put Emmalie to bed now.
I walk out of George's room and race down the stairs to the theatre room. Emmalie is almost asleep in her father's arms.
"Come on Emmalie, time for bed." I pick her up out of Emmett's arms. Emmett smiles at me. I smile back.
Usually Emmalie would argue about going to sleep but this time she didn't say a word. She leans her head on my shoulder.
"Okay." Escapes from her lips.
I race back up the stairs. From downstairs I hear the movie Emmett and Emmalie were watching turn into football. I roll my eyes.
I tuck Emmalie into her new bed.
"Mumma can you pass me my doll please?" She asks, pointing to the doll sitting on her desk. I quickly grab it and place it in her arms. She cuddles into it and relaxes. I sit beside her and play with her blonde hair as she falls asleep.
"Goodnight my baby girl, I love you." I coo.
"I love you too mum." She whispers back, to tired to actually talk.
I quietly giggle to myself.
I stare out at the forest as I play with her hair.
How did I get so lucky?

Hey readers,
So this was the last chapter of the book :( I really enjoyed writing this book so, so much. Thank you all for the support and the amazing amount of views!!! I never intended for this book/series to grow as big as it is. It was more for me personally as I enjoy reading Rosalie and Emmett fan fiction. But there wasn't a lot out there so I decided to write my own. On that note, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Also Please don't forget to VOTE.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes throughout the series. I will later go back and fix them.

There will be a third book in this series. The first chapter of the next book will be up soon for you all to read :)). So don't forget to check out the next book.

Anyways, I guess I'll see you reading the next book. Ily all of you and thank you.

X - Kiki D

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