Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

5 days later


In half a week my life seemed to practically flip.

Not only did I have friends (four of them), I had a life, a social life.

My classes were amazing (like normal) this time I wasn't constantly writing, but talking to my friends, Zoe (who had finally accepted me), Alfie (who really didn't talk to me much), Connor (He and I were best friends and I texted him almost as much as Tyler) and Tyler (who I texted and talked to constantly).

Not only did I not have plans to sit on my computer and write all week while my brothers went and played football and my sister did whatever she did during the week, but I actually had plans with the gang (what I called our little group) to go out and reek our nerdy and geeky havoc on the world.

I heard my phone go off, my ringtone was of Connor Zoe and Tyler desperatly trying to sing Iggy Izalea Black Widow (and I had recorded it) (My perfect timing), and I glanced down to see that the group chat (Connor Tyler Zoe Alfie and I [we called it the awesome ones]) had been talking and trying to get a hold of me all morning.


Zoe: Maybe he's deaf

Alfie: -_- really right now?

Connor: ROTFL

Tyler: There's no T

Zoe: Sorry!

Alfie: ....

Connor: GRRRRRRRR I can put a T if I want to yler.

Tyler: _-_ -_-

Zoe: Ok guys let's no get into a fight.


I laughed as I began to type, hoping that I wasn't to late to break up there small cyber fight.

Me: Ok, ok girls your both pretty now seperate.

I began giggling as the messages came rolling in.

Tyler: TROYE!


Zoe: Hi Troye

Alfie:.... You're not deaf right? That's kinda my thing....

By the time Alfie texted me I was already glowing with happieness, my whole brain buzzing from the thought that my friends were actaully excited to talk to me.

Me: So what are we doing today? (No I have not gone deaf)

Alfie: Thank god

Zoe: Movie?


Connor: ? y ?

Tyler: Because movies don't slay anymore hun.

Me: Ok....

Zoe: Park?

Connor: -_-

Alfie: _-_


Me: Sure that sounds like it would be great fun (and an enthusiastic yes from tyler may just tip the voters)

Unnoticeable Storm (Troyler AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें