"Yeah... it's... there's something I haven't told you." Naruto said before telling her as much as he knew about the deaths of his parents. Fu was shocked to hear Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage and about the deal he made with the Kyuubi. This also intrigued the Nanabi. The Biju could hear and see everything their hosts could, although they could only converse when their host wished it, when asleep, when they felt intense negative emotion or when trying to channel their Biju's chakra. The Biju's feelings on each other, with a few exceptions, ranged from mild distaste to outright hatred, but they recognized each others power. Though the Nanabi hated the Kyuubi, she also recognized he was much more powerful than her. That the Kyuubi would admit to needing help to kill a human was troubling. "So tomorrow, we'll find out who's after us... and I'll find out who's responsible for what happened that night."

"I see... hey, Naruto..." Fu said getting his attention, wanting to get his mind off that. "I don't think I ever asked, but, what are your friends like?"

"Huh, Oh, well there's Shikamaru, he's the only one of us who made chunin, he's lazy and he's always complaining about something and would like to watch clouds all day, but he's really smart. There's Kiba, he's louder than I am and acts like he's in charge, but he's really loyal and always has his dog with him."

"He's an Inuzuka, isn't he?" Fu asked, that was one of the clans Jiraiya had made them read about.

"Yeah. Then there's Ino, she was always thinking about boys and dieting-"

"A fan girl?" Fu asked with a slight scowl.

"Yeah, but she was getting out of it when I left. She always speaks her mind, she's confident and has a kinder side. Then there's Choji, he's an Akimichi so he's fat, but don't call him that... actually, never call any Akimichi that... he's always eating, but he's kind and friendly and knows a lot about food..." He went on to briefly describe Iruka, Neji, Lee, Shino (who he didn't know much about but had Fu's interest due to his insects) and Tenten (who he also didn't know much about but felt was worth mentioning).

"There's Hinata, she's kind and determined, but she's really quiet and she always turns away when I look at her."

"What do you mean?" Fu asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Well, whenever I look at her, she turns away and blushes." Naruto explained and a look of realization crossed Fu's face. "What?"

"Nothing." Fu replied, feeling slightly jealous of the girl.

"Anyway, then there's... Sakura..." Naruto said, looking to the ground.

"She's your teammate right? The one you like?" Fu asked and he nodded. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... she likes someone else..."

"You're sure?" Fu asked and Naruto began to explain the relationship between them, which led to her asking about Sasuke, to say she was shocked by what she heard would be an understatement. Fu knew of the Uchiha massacre and of the survivors, but didn't know the two were brothers and she was horrified by what Sasuke did to Naruto at the Valley of the End.

"Naruto... why do you want to save him if he rammed two lightning blades through your chest? I understand wanting to save your friend, but it sounds like he wants nothing to do with you or the village. Is it because you made a promise to Sakura?"

"That's part of it... but... what kind of Hokage would I be if I couldn't save one friend?" Naruto asked and Fu's eyes widened slightly. "I knew, since I first met him that he was full of hatred. He glared at me, with the same look I got everywhere but, he wasn't looking at me. He looked at everything like that. But, after we became a team, he changed. He started to open up to me and Sakura and risked his life to protect us. He even once took and hit for me we both thought would kill us. He and my team became like family, he was like a brother to me. But then... Itachi did something to his mind, that and Orochimaru's Cursed Seal... changed him. I don't care how hard it'll be, I won't abandon my friend. Not only that but..." He said and Fu listened intently. "I know that if I had ever given in to the glares, the hatred... I could easily have ended up like him." Naruto finished and a melancholy mood fell over both of them, each knowing they could have easily had their lives ruled by hatred too.

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