Important Info on ** Rares **

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Check out the description for my adoption book. I've updated it, adding in more detail and info about this book. Make sure you read all of it though; it should help you understand this a bit more.

About RARES:

To claim a rare, you have to complete whatever is asked of you on the page containing the rare. I'll ask a question(s) about a certain topic, and all you have to do is answer in the comment section. Be aware that it won't always be first-come-first-serve (for RARES, that is); it could be where I just pick whichever I answer I like best (It'll tell you what'll be done to win on a Rare's page).

You'll know a RARE has arrived when a title of a part has 2 ** on either side of the name. For example:

** Celestial Dragon **

(That's OBVIOUSLY not a spoiler. . .)

Adoptables (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang