Chapter 3

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This part has 0 Matt in sorry. Next chapter will have a lot of him in. It's just I want to get a bit of the DG in. Also if you like the story comment. I love to hear what you think - all I have had is some weird girl telling me she wnats to stamp on Jamie's D***. I'm slightly scared and think she needs help. e.e

Chapter 3 -

Mike had pulled up back into the drive of Ashdene ridge. Great, I try to get away from this place and all that happens is that I get dragged back here with a stern telling off and a speech about how dangerous it is to disapear.

"You know in future Rose you have to tell either me or May-lee before you disapear to god knows where." Mike said, putting on the hand break and killing the engine.

"Rosie!" I whispered angrily between my teeth. I rolled my eyes as Mike decided to carry on talking. "I mean what if you were kidnapped, what would we tell the police? We had no clue where you where and you would be putting loads of people who live here in trouble too"

I sigh, my hand moving to the handle of the car door. "Don't act like you care because I know in fact that you don't" I snapped, opening the door and jumping out of the car no bothering to listen to anything else Mike had to say.

I rushed over to the house, opening the door and slamming it behind me. I didn't really care if it hit Mike in the face, he deserves it anything. I'm not being selfish am I ? Well who cares what anyone thinks anyway.

As I entered the house I was stopped abruptly by two girls who were stood holding hands. They both looked near enough identical which almost scared me. It was like I was seeing double of them. At first I didn't really believe my eyes and thought that maybe something had happened to my head when that Matt kicked a ball at me but I than realised they were identical twins.

"Hello" The girls greeted me, I awkwardly stood there moving my right foot about not really wanting to say anything to them. They quickly got hold of my strategy and started to talk again.

"I'm Billie" The cuter girl of them both spoke, "This is my sister Toni" She smiled pointing to her sister. They looked very similar apart from Toni's features look more squished like someone stood on her head. Well I will be if she doesn't get out my way.

"Go tell someone who actually gives a damn!" I snapped, glaring at them. I huffed, pushing past them dramatically and heading over towards the stairs only to stop before even reaching the first step when Mike called me.

"Erm No Rosie - downstairs in the living room so you can meet everyone then it's time for dinner" Mike raised his voice to me, pointing his index figure at me in a some what threatening way.

I rolled my eyes, turning on my heels. "I don't want to" I moaned out in a bored groan.

"I don't care" Mike replied folding his arms across his chest probably to emphasise his anger. "It's rare getting everyone in the same room at the same time. Plus you will feel more at home aftyer you greet everyone."


Mike made me get to know everyone who lived here and in all honesty it just felt like a waste of time. Mainly because I could not remember their names, I couldn't tell them apart and nothing was syncing in. They were busy trying to tell me about their lives and in all honesty I didn't care.

Do you expect me to tell them about myself? because if they are I wouldn't hold my breath on it.

"So" I trailed off, pointing towards the blonde girl who was sat opposite me on the sofa. I only recognised her because I have to share the same room as her. "You're Sasha and you have an older brother called Jimmy?" I stated with a dry tone, well more like asked because I had no clue.

She sighed, shaking her head then running her hands along her face clearly not impressed.

"No that's Tee, Sasha is that one" The dark haired girl replied, she looked up from her nails which she was painting a lilac colour. She seemed extremly girly since she was wearing a dress and some short heels.

She pointed over to a girl who had weird colours of extention locked in her hair. She was also on the short side which would probably make me remember her more.

"Okay" I trailed off, my lips turning into a frown.

"Do you remember which one I am?" A kid with an affor spoke, he started to juggle some tennis balls only for him to stumble over another boys foot and fall face first onto the floor. Great - I'm living with a bunch of idiots.

"I'm guess the really annoying one who always embarrasses themselves " I stated with a shrug of my shoulder not really giving any effort into responding to these people anymore. I feel so done with this pitiful exercise.

"No I'm Tyler" He pointed out before looking and glaring up at the boy who originally tripped him up. The boy had brown hair which was slightly ruffled and he was stifling laughter.

A girl with strawberry blonde hair reached across and slapped his arm giving him a glare telling him that basically if he didn't shut up that she would stick a knife through his back. "Ow" He hissed like a bit of a wimp.

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Are you Floss?" I questioned, pointing at her and making her gasp dramatically. "You are the really loud one which annoys everyone and doesn't live here anymore" I stated.

The girl with strawberry blonde hair and emerald green eyes scrunched her hands into fists. A look of hatred engulfing her face. Okay I clearly got that wrong. "I'm Kate - not Floss" She stated.

The boy who she previously hit started to chuckled, causing Kate to hit him again but much harder. Okay note to self the crazy ginger ones have anger issues.

"And fyi I don't annoy anyone" She stated holding her finger up in a slight sassy mannor. That was something I probably actually liked about her, she had a fire of sass in her.

"Okay -" I trailed off not really knowing what else to say.

My eyes glanced along the room full of children who lived here, on their faces they had an expression of pity. Maybe they pity me for not really knowing who on earth these people are or maybe because they know what it feels like to be a care kid.

"I have had enough of this" I stated, standing up from the sofa and walking over to the door. "I'm going to bed"

"Wait" One of the kids screached out, I turned to see the kid with the affro lying on the floor like he was hyperventilating and about to have a heart attack."What about dinner, Food is the most important thing ever. You will die without it"

I rolled my eyes at his useless excuse of a distraction or to win me around to stay downstairs. "I will take my chances" I sarcastically smiled before exiting the room and running up the stairs into my room shutting the door behind me.

I exhaled deeply. "I live with a bunch of idiots"


Saw a bit of Kate in this chapter only because I haven't mentioned her before. In the chapters with Kate in there is most likely to have had majority of the help from GraysonBabie.

No one knows her character better than her.

Please remember to comment unless you plan on commenting anything to hurt my baby Jamie Flatters like that creepy girl on the last chapter :)

Have a nice day


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