Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I didn't exactly know where I was going to start with. I was just going with the flow - a motto I have been following for an extremely long time. After about 20 minutes of walking around too many streets in circles, ordering a slush puppy from the icecream van and nearly walking into a bunch of old people  I arrived at the gates of a park.

I stood still at the gates, looking over the surroundings. Instantly my eyes locked onto a football pitch where a group of boys in yellow shirts and blue shoots were running around kicking around a foot ball. Really who wastes their time kicking around a stupid ball.

I rolled my eyes, and started walking over to the play ground area where the swings were. The area was near enough empty from a distance away so I was just assuming I would have the place to myself. As I was walking down the path, I was sort of in my own world. I blocked out the sound of the loud children playing football.

I was in mid thought when I felt something collide with my face causing me to stumble backwards, letting out a small squeak noise from my mouth. At first I thought I could stable myself but I stumbled over the raised edge of the path.

I slipped backwards, managing to fall backwards onto the grass. Thankfully I was lucky enough not to land in any dog poo because if I was the person who caused me to fall over would be digging themselves an early grave.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright down there?" I heard the voice of a boy. My face was planted into the grass, not really being able to see. I rolled over so that I was lying on my looking up with the sun shining down on my face stopping me from seeing properly.

"Of course I am not okay you idiot!" I hissed loudly. I rubbed my hand through my hair and touched the sore spot which was probably now turning dark as a bruise on my forehead. This is why I hate people - they always get you hurt.

The boy awkwardly shuffled in his spot, clearly not comfortable with the situation. He extended his hand out for me, probably assuming that I will accept it. I glared up at the boy I couldn't see, I got up from the ground feeling slightly dizzy from slipping over.

Once I was up off the floor I brushed at my clothes attempting to get the mud and grass stains off. I glanced up at the boy, he had dark brown hair which was brushed yet it seemed slightly curly while resting on his head. He had green eyes which had sparks of light browns in them making them seem hazel.

"I'm- i'm really sorry, my friend has a really hard kick" The boy trailed off rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly whilst looking down at the floor. "Plus -he totally sucks at football. Oh - I'm matt by the way."

"I definitely did not kick the ball"

"I don't care!" I snapped rudely not really giving a damn about his excuses. Why am I the one who is always the target? Ugh.

I turned around seeing the football which hit me in the face, it only lay around 10 stepped away from me. I walked over and grabbed it, gripping it tightly between my fingers.

"urm- please may I have my football back?" The boy questioned with a slightly stutter in his voice, he had a look of worry on his face. HAHA yes be worried, you are facing your biggest nightmare.

I smiled sarcastically to him, digging my nails into his football deeper. "You're just lucky I don't have those big, sharp acrylic nails that most girls wear otherwise your ball would be popped"

His eyes bulged in their sockets making him looked anxious. I mean I was threatening to pop his ball. What are boys without balls hey. Pun intended.

"H-Hand over the ball please." The boy asked, holding his hands out for me to place it between them. On his face was an expression which made him look like he was pleading for me to be kind and generous but I guess that literally is just not me.

I placed the ball on the floor, grabbing a thick twig which must of been snapped of a tree and ramming it through the football making it pop. I smiled satisfactorily, feeling the devil in me be enlightened with the fuel of destroying something in someone else's life. I loved the feeling. It made me feel better.

"Well I hope this teaches you that in future control your ball better or simply don't play when there is socially evil girls who can wreck your life" I stated, folding my arms across my chest in a way to make me seem more mature. "Next time the football will be your face" I snapped.

This kid looked absolutely apparelled by my actions, his mouth was left a jar showing his front two teeth. I smiled, turning around and started to walk off from him knowing that I have actually made my point against him.

He must of snapped out his trance of horror because shortly after me walking away he shouted after me.

"Hey! You own me a new football"

I turned around to him, pulling a wtf face. I instantly raised my hand and flipped him off. "Pay with this idiot"

After that I walked over to my actually destination - the swings. I sat down on one of them and started kicking my feet making the swing move forwards and backwards.

 I watched as the group of boys who were playing football sighed after their friend returned empty handed. They quickly left after that probably having nothing to do apart from shoot me angry looks which I just replied with a wave.

I sat on the swing for the best part of half an hour, I just surfed through my phone and swung backwards and forwards. I wanted to get a sense of what it was like around here and quite honestly it seemed like this place was full of goodie goodies. I guess someone needs to liven it up around here.

"Rosie!" I heard a stern voice come from behind me, I turn sparing a glance at the man who only became familiar about 40 minutes ago.

It was Mike, and he seemed really annoyed. I bet he had to come out and search for me.

"Yes" I smiled innocently, my hands gripping onto the metal chains of the swing.

He narrowed his eyebrows, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm pretty sure this is not the front garden" Mike stated, looking around the park which seemed half dead.

"So" I shrugged my shoulders not really having a care in the world. "I got bored"

"Come on let's get you home" He stated, frowning down at me. He clearly realised that I wasn't going to be good and if I was it would only be happening with someone kicking and screaming. That definitely will not be me.

Deciding not to argue, I got up from the swing and walked in front of Mike as he led me towards his car. I could of made a run for it but where is the fun in that. The best time would be when he and May-lee is least expecting it.


Rosie seems very rude and ignorant but I promise over time you will get to like her. You will find out more about her. At the moment she is clearly not very nice to Matt.


Rose *Matt Furnish / The DG*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें