"Stop! I feel so old."

"Oh stop. Then I'm old."

"Exactly." She giggled, and I playfully pushed her away, rolling my eyes while she pulled me back.

"You're just lucky it's your birthday."

"We're going to go get canolis from Little Italy, and we can walk through central park, or go to Tim Horton's - or Starbucks!"

"Or we can just hold all of your bags while you guys shop!" I said in the same tone, earning a slight slap to the chest.

"You already know you are."

"This is true..." I sighed, feeling the bus stop and looked out the window again, grinning to myself.

"Aw, look, you're so cute."

"Ew, why do you say that." I cringed, trying to hold back the laughter as she kissed my cheek.

"Because you are."

"Stop it." But I smiled the whole time, standing up and got my backpack, slinging it over my shoulders and got hers, holding out my hand for her to take.

"We should probably go to the hotel and drop our stuff off first."

"Sounds like a good idea. I don't want to carry my bag around all day."

When we got of the bus, I glanced at Bella, feeling my stomach twist at the sight of her smile - but I don't know if it was the good kind or bad kind.

Usually I'd say it was good, but she was here. I knew how much she loved this place. This would be her new home. Not Washington.

I was just as scared as she was - maybe more.

"Come on," She pulled me by my hand down the street behind Jackie and Mike, taking hold of my arm with her free arm once we stopped. "We're not that far from the hotel and I'm getting hungry."

I let her lead me, looking around us at all the tall buildings, taking in the sound of the cars and people around us.

Even though it wasn't home, it felt similar, because the city rush was the same.

But here, she was safe from Manny. I could keep a better eye on him without her around, she'd feel safer, even without me around because she knows he isn't here.

I'd take care of him before he even left the district.

"Justin," Bella tugged on my hand, nodding her head in the opposite direction. "Look."

And for the first time in my life I saw Times Square face to face, no longer in pictures, but right here beside Bella.

"Wow." Was all I managed, but that's all I could think of. I understood why she loved this place.

"We're taking pictures later. Whether you like it or not."

"It's your birthday. I'm not complaining. I don't mind taking pictures with you, but I have a surprise for later. It has a specific time so we're eating after."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise Bella. He's not telling you." Jackie chimed, swinging her and Mike's hands as we walked further.

"Well gee, thank you Jackie."

"You're welcome."

"You'll like it. I promise." I kissed the side of her head, giving her hand a squeeze and followed once again to the hotel.



"Justin, where are you possibly taking me in New York City?" I asked in the taxi, looking out the window while holding onto his hand.

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