He knew, with her being so tired and still not fully recovered, that if he acted on his wishes he would be taking advantage of the beauty before him. However, he couldn’t hear that warning at the moment. It was drowning under the emotion he could feel beating against him. An echo of what he was feeling deep inside.

He reached up for her. Slowly. Giving her chance to pull back if she wished. One hand cupping the side of her face, fingers teasing gently the soft skin underneath. His free hand going into her hair, cupping the back of her head fingers tangling in the soft strands as they fought against their braided restraint. Stepping closer, she stepped back. Not trying to escape, just overwhelmed. Her back hit the solid stone wall behind her. Cam caged her in, inches from her, lips a breath away as he stared into her eyes, judging, waiting for acceptance. For the chance to take what he wanted.

Aislinn was caged by the mountain of a man before her. She didn’t feel trapped, or in any danger. For one of the first times in her life, she felt as if no one else could touch her. He wouldn’t hurt her, and he would let no one else near her either. “Cam.” The barest whisper of sound before his lips collided with hers in an explosion of heat and fire. She did all she could think of, she clung on for her life, nothing could feel this good without consequences. She clung to his shirt, but the explosion turned, changed. It became a slow burn between them.

Her hands moved on his body, one hand spearing into the think locks of hair that hung free to his shoulders. The other let go of the shirt. Allowing herself to feel, to know it was real. She let her other hand trace his face.

He could not believe it was real. He slowed it down, tried to make sure he savoured the moment. Their lips synching, moving together. The softness cushioning what should be a bruising blow. He was too out of control. The heat that built within him made him take it further. More pressure was applied, the tip of his tongue stroking across the seam of her lips. Asking for and being granted permission.

Melding together, his body pushed hers further into the wall. There was no space between them any longer. Their tongues battled for control. Cam fought for control. He had never felt like this from just a kiss before. It was her first, he could tell. She was untried, naïve but held nothing of herself back. Her trust in him almost cut off his strength at the knees.

The couple were too caught up in each other. They did not notice Isla as she exited the door that led from the Lairds chambers. She had left wanting to throttle Toren, he was a selfish, nasty, cantankerous man who was not dealing well with being so ill, that he was on deaths door. He was not giving up control without a fight. He was still trying to dictate Camdyn’s life and she was not allowing that anymore. She was going to get down to the truth, it would just take her a little longer. In the meantime she wanted to make sure Cam finally got what he wanted for once.

Highland Dream (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now