Chapter 6

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My weekend is over that means time to get ready for school. I took a quick shower and put on some blue jeans and a black t-shirt with some black vans. I put my hair in a high messy ponytail and when I was don't I took my bag  went to our kitchen and got a chocolate bar and ate it while I left.

Since my brother Cameron gave me a ride to school I arrived fast. I got out of the car and walked till I reached the front door. Alex saw me and came to see me. He started walking with me to my locker. Then we started talking and he told some of his weird jokes and I giggled a little even though his jokes weren't that funny but they still made me giggle.

The bell rang and we went to class. The teacher came in and started giving today's lesson and bla bla bla I don't think you want to know about the lesson. The bell rang which meant class dismissed and I walked out again with Alex he went to his locker which was not too far from mine and then came back to join me. Hours passed until it was lunch time. Everyone rushed to the cafeteria to get there food because today they were serving pizza. Alex stayed with me while we slowly walked to the cafeteria. He told me to sit down on a table while he went to get us two slices of pizza each. I nodded as a response and sat down a table waiting.

As I waited for Alex to come I got another text from unknown.

"Seems like you're hungry are you sure you're not thirsty?"

As I read the text I saw Brittany coming closer to me with her two best friends and Sam. I ignored them until I felt a cold liquid fall on my head. I looked up and saw Brittany holding an orange juice bottle over my head which was obviously now in my hair and on my shirt.

"Oops" she said giggling. Her friends and Sam were busy laughing at me behind her.

I stood up and ran out in embarrassment. While I ran out I heard Alex yelling "GRACIE WAIT" but I ignored him and went to the girls bathroom and I started crying while I tried to wash my hair with the sink water and pulled it up in a messy bun. As I walked out I saw Alex waiting for me. He looked at me and you can see that he felt bad for me. I hugged him and he hugged me back. But let me go so he can give me his vest.

"I think you should cover that stain of orange juice" he handed me his navy blue vest and I reached for it

"Thanks"  I said as I giggled.

He walked me to a classroom and handed me a slice of pizza. No one was in the classroom it was just me and him. We started talking and I kept on giggling. When we finished the bell rang which meant get back to class.

The rest of the day went well nothing other than the juice thing went bad. I went out when the bell rang to go home and saw my brother Cameron waiting for me. Before I got in the car I said my good byes to Alex and got in the car. The ride home was silent. When I got home. My brother annoyed me a little than we laughed. I went to the living room to see my parents watching their favourite TV show. Cameron and I joined in.

When the show ended we were all laughing and then we all went to the kitchen to eat dinner we say at the wooden table and everyone ate. I didn't talk about the juice incident because it was a happy family dinner and I didn't want to ruin it and also because I wanted to forget what happened and not talk about it.

After dinner I went upstairs and got before going to bed I took a quick shower. I dried my hair after my shower and brushed it. I braided it so it won't get tangled when I sleep. I got in my pyjamas and headed straight to bed.

Hey guys I really want to know what you think about this story so please comment you're opinion thanks❤️ hope to see you in the next chapter!😊


My stalkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang